Chapter 14.

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"This is your fault." She growls at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Says the crazy lady who tried to scratch my eyes out!"

"I did nothing of the sort. It's your fault we're stuck in this closet, and not to mention you're half naked." Her voice is really getting on my nerves. "What were you guys doing anyway? I thought I told you, he's mine."

"You name isn't written on him." I snap at the ignorant Kendall in front of me.

She rolls her eyes at me before turning away from me. "You're a bitch."

"And you're annoying. Now shut up so I can sleep through this."

"You're not going to sleep, you're stuck in here with me whether you like it or not." There's about to be one less person in this tiny little closet. If I hear one last word, I'm going to punch her.

I shift myself a little bit, which led to the piercing scream coming from Kendall. "What the heck?!" I yell at her but she continues screaming.

"Help!" She screams. She's insane!

The door swings open and all the boys are standing there. Harry glares at Kendall, but does the same to me, making feel smaller. He bends down, and starts to pinch my ear, leading me out of the closet and away from the crying baby.

30 minutes earlier

We ran half naked through the woods and toward the house as more gunshots fired. We were both panting hard, but we couldn't stop now, our friends could be in danger. We glanced at each other every few strides, the same terrified look on our faces of the fate of our friends.

We reached the house in a record breaking time and busted in through the door, only to be met by a screaming Kendall with a gun and frantic boys.

They all noticed us come in, besides Kendall who was shaking.

"Where are they!?" She screamed, aiming the gun at each of the boys, as if she was going to shoot them.

They all replied a simple 'I don't know' as me and Harry watched in awe. We didn't dare to move, we wanted to see what had happened. We also feared that if we made a move, she'd shoot one of them.

She aimed the gun up at the roof, challenging everyone in front of her to stop her, as she pulled the trigger causing my ear to buzz and everyone cringes.

"Tell me now or I will shoot all of you!" She's psycho.

"We don't know Kendall, now will you please put the gun d-" Niall started but was cut off.

"Don't tell me what to do! You know what since you won't tell me, I will go find them myself." She glares at each of them before muttering. "And I will kill that girl."

She has completely lost it, and I begin to tip-toe towards them until Harry grabbed my wrist, pulling me back and shaking his head.

At first I just thought she was a heartbroken girl who couldn't get what she wanted. But, she's far from that. She actually wants to kill me.

Should I run now?

She asked the guys one more time, where we were and each of them gave a simple 'I don't know' and by the look on her face, I could tell she was enraged by their lying.

I know Louis knows where we are, and I guarantee he told the rest of them.

She mumbled incoherent words to herself followed by cuss words as she walked away from the guys towards us, looking at the ground. She didn't notice we were there until one of the boys stifled a laugh at me and Harry's undressed selves, and our stunned faces of what just unfolded in front of us.

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