Chapter 15.

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I'm baffled by the way my appearence looked when I saw my reflection, staring back at me. Utter rage courses through my body at the new wounds that cover my pale face. This is absolutley ridiculous, the fact that I let this, this, lunatic take advantage of me, and hurt me like this. I've never let anyone treat me, and hurt me like what previously happened.

My veins are filled with different feelings. Dissapointment, anger, sadness, and honestly I'm proud of myself, for at least causing her pain that is almost equal to what she did to me. But, as when I look closely to the gash on the left side of my forehead, everything goes red, and all I want is to high five her face.

With a brick.

That have nails on them.

My face is covered with scratches, and one bruise, that not only is big, but a mix of black, purple, and blue. I clench my fists, storming out of the bathroom, only to be stopped by a boy at the door.


"Get out of my way." I snap. "Now."

"Nope." He's testing my temper, and so far I'm failing his test. "I knew you'd break when you looked in the mirror, so I stayed right here." He smiles a lopsided grin, as if he accomplished something worth a million bucks.

"Move." So help me, if he doesn't move I will let my anger out on him.

"I can literally see the smoke coming out of your ears." He's pushing it, but I'm holding up, or at least I'm trying.


"Spencerita." He crosses his arms, scolding me playfully.

"What?" I give him a questioning look, before nudging his chest playfully. My anger has died down some since I saw his face.

I laugh out loud at myself for being so cheesy.

"What are you laughing at?" He looks at me strangly.

"Your face." I peck on his lips.

"Spenc." He whimpers.

"What?" I bite my lip.

"Please go get in the shower and put some clothes on, before I explode." He steps away from me, covering his eyes. "The sexual tension between us is like a fucking time bomb."

"I'm just so hot, I know." I laugh when I catch him peeking through the gap between his fingers.

"Just go." He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, making that my cue to leave the room before I jump his bones. Did I really just say that?

I shake my head at myself, turning around, and walking back into the bathroom. Little does he know, I'm still going to hurt her, whether he likes it or not.

No one harms me without getting a little taste of karma.

I avoid looking in the mirror again, and strip, getting into the shower, washing all my pain and struggles out.


Harry's POV

She's so damn beautiful.

I've never met someone so, strong, fierce, dominate and just as beautiful as her. She doesn't know she is, hell I'm sure it doesn't even pass through her mind.

I could see it in her eyes, how much she wanted Kendall to feel the pain she had went through, she wanted so badly to make Kendall suffer through the pain that she was put in.

Most guys probably think that's crazy, and unattractive but in my eyes it's the most sexiest thing ever.

I don't blame her either. I'd do the same thing if I was in her place. Actually, I would probably kick their asses until they didn't remember their own name.

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