Chapter 6.

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"Dammit, I had a feeling you guys would be up there." Harry huffs, frustratingly. He finally found us when Louis tripped, walking on the roof. He didn't fall off the roof-thank god-, he was just walking around and tripped.

"Why didn't you look then mate?" Zayn laughed.

"Traitor." Harry glares at him, then gives a dimple smile "That was good."

"You were looking for us for about an hour." Louis laughed "it would have been longer if I didn't trip damn shoe laces." He complains.

"I would have found you guys eventually." Harry lies, he knows he would have never found us "Can we not play hide and seek anymore? It's stupid as fuck."

"You're stupid as fudge." I reply, mocking him but without using the cuss word.

"Fudge?" He raises an eyebrow, the boys laughing as we sit around the table, and begin to eat.

Harry decided to give up while we were up there and cook. This day had gone by fast and this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach keeps getting my attention. It was like that feeling I had on the day this all started.

Like something is going to happen.

I devoured the food he made in seconds, only leaving crumbs on the table that once had a BLT. His cooking is delicious as well as everyone else's, I've never enjoyed food this much.

"Hungry?" Harry laughs.

"This is really good. I remember my mom would always make these every time I came home from school." I smile at the memory.

"Where's your mum now?" Niall asks, obliviously.

"Dead." I say, unbothered. This story gets easier and easier telling each time it's opened up. I've become immune to telling people what happened.

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking." Niall says quietly.

"No don't apologize, it's nothing." I smile reassuringly, it really is nothing.

"Are you okay?" Liam ask and I nod.

"Seriously guys, it happened a long time ago so it doesn't affect me that much anymore." I shrug it off.

"I'm sorry for your lose then." Zayn says, sincerely.

"It's okay guys seriously." I say. "Where are your parents?"

"In protection. We made sure they were protected." Liam answers me.

"That's good, are they safe?"


After our meal, I headed upstairs to my temporary bedroom. I've had so many chances to runaway, but I haven't take any of them, and I've already made up my mind. I don't understand why my brain isn't functioning like it should, but I think I have a good guess.

My mind has scratched at this idea all day, and finally I'm listening to her.

I begin climbing through the window, it's time my brain listens to me before anyone else. I had packed my bag with clothes, food and a gun, for safety. I don't know where I'm going, but I know I need to get out of here. I'm not scared of the boys, of course not but in order for them to survive, I need to leave. I've caused too much trouble for them, with my breaking through glass, random crying attacks and my depressing conversations, it's time for me to leave.

I'm halfway through the window when there's a knock at my door. Of course, perfect timing with them. I stay silent, only for the knocking to continue "Spencer!" They call, worried, and I already know it's Harry.

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