Chapter 3.

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Just remember this is kind of a AU fanfiction and this is more of Dark Harry so give it time :)

Also these are kinda the filler/beginning chapters where I kinda explain what happens that leads to everything so bear with me :)


He walked out of the room after five minutes of pacing and talking gibberish. He has serious problems.

I apologized more than I should have but I didn't think hiding from them would be this big of a deal. Big enough to where I was physically taken to another room.

I looked around the room for something to cut through these ropes that are tied around me. I finally found a nail file on the coffee table in front of me and quickly grabbed it and started cutting through the ropes, cutting myself a couple of times. By the time I'm done I have about ten cuts on my hand. I untie the rope that's tied around my feet and jump up.

Unfortunately, with the rope being tied so tight around my feet, it cut off my circulation. I fell limp to the floor, crashing into the coffee table.

Just my luck.

Oh yeah and did I mention the table is fucking glass?

The glass shattered as soon as I hit it, some glass cutting through my skin and some inserting into my skin, only to sit there. The pain is unimaginable and I've experienced more pain today than I have any other day in my life and I feel as if it's still morning.

My heart is racing but slowing down all at the same time and I come to finally understand the use of a voice box.

"Help!" I croak out, struggling.

It stays silent, the only sound is my whimpering, my stomach is aching along with every other part of my body.

No ones here to help me.

For all I know I can die right here because I decided it would be the right thing to stand up after my feet were tied.

"Help!" I try once more before I finally hear footsteps over me.

I sing hallelujah in my head as the footsteps come through the stairs and over to the door. I hear the door trying to be opened but nothing happens. The door is still shut and I'm still bleeding.

"Spencer! Are you in there?" Someone calls from the other side of the door.

"Yeah and I'm kinda dying." I say truthfully. Did I mention that I tend to get sarcastic with these situations.

"The door is locked. I can't open it."

"Then break it dammit! I can't exactly get up."

"Harry!" He yells.

"No! No Harry!" I yelled back at him with as much strength as I could.

He's the bad guy in this situation.

"Look I'm losing blood here and if I don't get first aid I will die and you guys will forever be guilty now hurry up."

"Louis! Zayn! Come help me!" I then hear more footsteps coming down and met up at the door "Help me break down the door."


"Don't question it just do it." And with that three boys are trying to break down the door. After several, failed attempts the door finally begins to crack and with one more push, it breaks down. Three boys come rushing towards me, their faces in awe.

"Don't just stand there, help me." I say rather rudely to the confused boys, but they finally snap back to reality and help me.


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