Chapter 28.

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We all ran out the doors, following the sound of the plane. We couldn't stop smiling, and that included Nick too. As upset as he was about Tyler, he had the brightest smile covering his face. Harry's hand held mine as we ran, him squeezing it the whole way there.

Really soon, I had to stop running though. My stomach suddenly starts aching and I already know why. Maybe running wasn't the best idea in my condition but, hey what you gonna do? Walk?

Well that's what I was about to do until Harry swept me off my feet, carrying me in the most painless way possible. He caught up with the rest of the guys and in a short time we were in front of the huge plane.

My mouth dropped open, and I could feel tears filing my eyes. We made it. It's finally here, and we're still alive.

But, my happiness was stopped short when I saw a red laser between my two eyes, and I crossed my eyes looking at it. I uncrossed my eyes, and looked at where the light was coming from.

A group of men and a couple of woman covered in camouflage, all holding some kind of gun in their hands, aiming them at all of us.

"Put the girl down." One of them yells, talking to Harry.

"She's injured." He replies, but instead more lights go onto his head and my stomach drops as a scramble down onto my own feet, pain shooting through my body.

"State your names." Another one yells.

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Liam Payne."

"Zayn Malik."

"Niall Horan."

"Nick Montgomery."

"Harry Styles."

"Spencer Von." I finish off, my voice shaky and confused.

"Where is the seventh?" The same one asks, dropping his gun and walking closer to us. He seemed to only be in his thirties.

"He died." Louis answers for everyone when no one else says anything.

The soldier nodded, bidding an apology before continuing. "Are you guys the only ones on the area?"

I looked at Harry, everyone else doing the same. He was like the group leader in our eyes. He has always been the strongest and most confident. He always makes the decision and gets what he wants, and does what he wants. Usually.

"We're not too sure." Harry answers.

"Well since you don't know, looks like we'll be leaving quite soon." The soldier replies, he turns around, giving the soldiers behind him command about surrounding the area and scoping it out, them silently obeying him with a salute and the red dot leaves my face. He turns back to us. "Commander Alex." He says, introducing himself.

"Now this process is very easy. You enter the plane while we get back on and we're done." He tells us, his voice deep and strict. "For your safety, we ask that you stay in at all times. We need your input back in London about the issue so we can move troops in." He explains. "We brought a casket just in case, because I know what it's like to lose a close friend."

After a few minutes of describing where Tyler was, and watching as they put his body carefully into the casket and carrying it back to the plane, placing it someone safe, I get this pang of adrenaline.

It's full of happiness and glee. After everything we went through, we're being saved.

We grabbed our bags, loading onto the plane one by one, all of the soldiers also getting on, but in a different area than us.

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