Chapter 17.

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"Bye guys!" I squel, hugging each of them before I hug Harry. "Be safe! Don't die!"

"Thanks for the tip." Niall says sarcastically as I hug him in a huge bear hug, squeezing him as hard as I could. "Okay don't break me now."

"Sorry." I laugh, and finally scooting over to where Harry was awkwardly standing.

He straightens his posture, and I practically fawn over his attire. He's wearing a muscle shirt, that's cut off at the sleeves revealing his muscular arms and toned, tattooed chest.

He smiles before taking me into a warm, comforting hug. His warmth takes over my body as his hands brushes down my hair.

"Promise me you'll be safe?" I say into his chest.

"Promise." He replies quickly.

I untangle my arms away from him, instantly losing the warmth that was radiating off his body to mine. I glance at him for a split second before he bends down, connecting our lips in a thunderous kiss. His lips on mine sends chills down my spine as his hands are set on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"PDA!" I hear Louis yell while I hear a bunch of 'ews', making me smile into the kiss.

He unconnected, leaving me frowning but goes in for a quick peck. "Smile, it looks good on you." He winks before taking me into another quick hug.

"Be safe." I say to him as he picks up his two empty duffel bags. I rub my arm, trying to hold back from clinging onto his leg and never letting go.

He looks at me, "I l-" he begins but instantly stops himself, looking at the ground. "I will." He says instead and I feel my body relax. I'm glad he didn't saying anything other than that because I'm not ready for the 'love' commitment.

Love isn't in my dictionary.

I wave at the five as they get into the cars and drive off. My stomach erupts with butterflies as I watch them through the trees, taking off down the road.

I rush inside and down to my room. I have everything packed and after last night with Harry I realized that leaving was my only option. I don't want him to fall in love with me, and I don't want to fall in love with him.

But I think it's too late for that.

I grab my bag after checking to make sure Liam and Louis were busy, which they were as I watched both of them lock themselves in tier rooms.

Ugh, boys.

I leave a simple note, telling them why I was leaving and where I was going. They're not going to come after me, considering how far it is, and I will probably be dead by then.


I double check Louis and Liam's doors before going into the garage and taking a pair of keys. They have three Range Rovers. One was taken by Kendall, and the other was the ones the boys had taken. I'm taking the third one.

I quietly close the car door as the garage slips open. I hate how loud it was, but the boys rooms were on the other side of the house so hopefully they didn't hear it.

I begin driving out of the house and onto the highway for the long journey ahead of me.

I can't ignore the pain in my chest though. The pain of knowing that this is going to hurt Harry worse than it will hurt me. That I promised him he wouldn't lose me, but look at me now. I'm leaving and he's losing me.

What a 'girlfriend' I am.

Were we even dating? I don't think we were, which hopefully means he won't care as much.

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