Chapter fifteen

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"Shut that mutt up or I will" I hold onto Jason rocking him until he settled down

"Please, why are you doing this? This isn't like you at all." I asked

"I'm not doing anything. I'm sorry if I scared you and our son"

"This—" He cut me off from speaking


"NO I'M NOT. I am not yours" He slapped me with the back of his hands. I hold Jason tighter towards my chest. If I'm not careful he would kill Jason and I didn't want that

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yes I am yours. Only yours.  I'll listen from here on out" He reached out and stroked my cheek. He apologized for slapping me. He lifted the room and kept the door locked saying he'll be back. Jason stirred a bit but was relaxed. How on earth did this happen?

It has been a good month and a little more since Jason's been born. Luke and I can't be any more happy. He's been such a great father. He gives Jason showers, buys him new clothes and tuck him into bed. Luke also runs to Jason's side whenever he cries at night. No matter how fast I am, Luke gets there first. He really is trying and I couldn't have asked for anything more

It was morning and while Luke feed Jason before going to work I sat placing some pictures onto the fridge.

"Don't forget to thank Brent again for leading the company while you were gone" I said. Brent was a big help when Luke stayed home all month.

" I planned on a bar after work. Drink, eat and watch the game" I nodded my head agreeing with the plan. Luke finished up feeding Jason. "Anything planned for today?"

"Not much. Groceries, maybe the park. Just wanna be out for some fresh air"

"That's great babe. I'll text you throughout the day. Be careful" he said kissing me and Jason on the forehead. I'll smiled as I locked the door behind him. "Alright Jason, lets get ready to go. You wanna spend the whole day with mama?" He giggled and smiled. I showered him in kiss because of how cute that was. I pick him up from his chair and head upstairs to get ready.

I matched the both of us in blue shorts with grey shirts. I had sneakers while Jason just some socks. By the time I got a block away from the house he fell asleep. I smiled and continued by journey to the super market. I wasn't buying a lot of stuff but just the essentials for now. As I was shopping I bumped into someone when getting a box of cereal

"Oh my gosh, I am sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Are you ok?" The man had his hood covering his face and his head down. He creeped me out a bit but I didn't want to be rude and just leave. I tried asking again

"Sir? Are you okay? I hope I didn't push you to hard." I laughed hoping to get something out of him. Nothing. I place the cereal on the bottom part of the stroller. I was preparing to leave when the man grabbed onto me. He's pinned me around and held tightly onto my arm

"Your hurting me. I didn't push you that hard, to be doing this. Let go of me or I'll scream." He kept his hold on me and once I was about to do something the man spoke

"How could you do this to me?" Did I really push him that hard? I couldn't have

"What did I do?" I asked

"How could you betray me? I thought we had something. Why—WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM, HUH? WASN'T I ENOUGH. WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME? I DID NOTHING WRONG." This man was scaring me. What on earth was he talking about. My right hand grabbed onto the stroller preparing to leave once I got my left hand free from his grip

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