Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Hey babe can you please help me for a sec?" Bridget yelled from the kitchen. Luke was in their room drying his hair because he just finished showering. Once he heard Bri's voice asking for help, he immediately stopped what he was doing to go to her.

"How can I help?" Luke asked. Personally he didn't want Bridget to do anything. He rather be the one moving around. He wanted Bridget to stay in bed and rely on him but that wasn't happening.

Since they moved into a new place she hasn't been able to relax. She's always up and doing things.

"Could you take out the trash." She pointed to the bag she had taken out earlier from the bin but hadn't put away yet and the smell was disgusting mixed in with the aroma of her cooking. That wasn't what Luke wanted to help with but nonetheless he did what he was asked.

"You could turn over for a second and say good morning to me." Luke slowly walked towards Bridget after coming back from outside. Bridget turned around to see him in only shorts, his abs and muscles showing and his wet hair. She almost chocked at the sight.

"You walked outside like that?" She pulled the curtain to see whether anyone was outside.

"Yeah." Luke replied. "Why?" He already could guess why Bridget didn't want him going outside the way she did.

"I don't need people seeing my boyfriend looking like a damn god. When the fuck did you get so ripped." She asked. Luke places his hand on the opposite side of her while her back is turned. She could feel his breath hitting the back of her neck making her shiver.

"Whenever I lost a lead to find you, I found different ways to cope. Drinking, exercising, you get the gist." He said in a whisper. Bridget couldn't get out of his grasp.

"Oh." She all she could respond by saying.

"Your looking great babe." Luke completed his girl. After the whole incident and her losing a lot of weight, it took her awhile but she gained some gradually to where she's proud of the way she looks like.

"Maybe you could stop and we could get something started, what do you think?" He traces his finger along her back and before moving to her neck making sure to mark her causing Bridget to moan.

"You like that huh?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. I really do." Bridget replies. Just then when Luke thought him and Bri could finally get some action going, Jason started crying from the living room.

"Your son is crying." Is all Bridget said before continuing to cook leaving Luke stunned. Luke walls over to living room and saw what made his baby cry.

"How'd you get this?" Jason has the remote in his hand and he must of pressed a button making him change the channel to one of a scary movie. Luke changed the channel back to the cartoons, sat on the couch with Jason to calm him down.

"It's okay. Look, Elmo needs your help." Hearing the name Elmo got Jason to stop crying. He reached for the tv and Luke places him in his toy walker. Jason bounced in it as Elmo started singing.

Luke ran upstairs and finished getting ready. His hair was dry and fluffy. He put on joggers and a shirt with sneakers.

"I'm going out." Luke came into the kitchen getting an apple off the counter. Bridget was placing the plates in the table for breakfast.

"Going out where? I just made breakfast." She pointed at the table

"I can see and it smells and looks beautiful but I gotta go." He said trying to leave for the front door but was stopped by Bridget.

"You gotta go where so early in the morning?" She placed her hands on her hip and began tapping the floor. Luke looked at her stance and could see how serious Bri was.

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