Chapter four

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I just got off FaceTime with Ashley and Brent (my two best friends since forever). Those two are in Paris I think now. They told that they are gonna live there. They got married awhile back. Supposedly Luke was there but I didn't see him. After I left Luke's house I told them that me and him were no more but didn't go into details on why. I didn't think that they had to know. I wouldn't want them to worry up on my issues. I'm happy for those two but jealous at the same time. How could they find love but I can't? For me it's always hard. I'm single and yet I can't find a guy

I scrolling through channels when I hear my front doorbell

" Mr. Smith how can I help you?"

" I just wanted to check up on you. How is the apartment? Have you unpacked everything?"

" Yes I have. Everything is where it needs to be"

" That's great have you thanked Mr. Reed yet?"

" Yes. Anyways do you want to come in?"

" I came here to give Mr. Reed some paperwork. If you want we can go for lunch.... or not it's fine. Anyway I'll see you later Ms. Logan" Mr. Smith walks away from my door to the room next door. Mr. Reeds room. The night when me and Luke kissed is when I found out he was my neighbor. I wasn't totally shocked since he did own the building but why would he give me the room right next to him? I hear Mr. Smith pass his papers to Luke. I walk out of my apartment and overs to Luke

" Good afternoon Ms. Logan" Luke said

" Good afternoon Mr. Reed"

" Is there something I can help you with?"

" Not at all I'm actually here for Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith I'll love to have lunch with you"

" Ok. Sure I'll love that too"

" Let me shower. You can come over and wait in the living room when your done here. I'll leave the door open" I said to which he shook his head. I glanced at Luke and smirked before walking away and going back to my apartment. I left the door open and I showered and dressed with a simple blue stripped jumper. By the time I got downstairs to the living room Mr. Smith sat there waiting

" You look nice"

" Thank you very much. Are you ready to go?" He said yes

" Charlie be a good boy. I won't be out to long" I said before closing the door. Mr. Smith led me to the elevator and towards his car

" If you don't mind I'll take you to a beachside cafe" That sounded good to me. Eating lunch with the view of the beach sounded amazing.  The drive was pretty lengthy but worth. The cafe scenery was gorgeous. To top it off there weren't much people which made me love it more. The quietness of the place makes you want to sit back and relax as if you were in your own house. Mr. Smith got us pretty good sits. I could clearly see the sand and the ocean waves and the laughter of people having fun. This place was just perfect

" So how do you like the place so far?" Mr. Smith sued looking up from his menu

" Its incredible. I'm surprised that I haven't heard of this place yet"

" It's a good hangout spot time to time but this place only sell lunch. I guess that's why people haven't heard of this place. The majority of the people that here are those who are on the beach. Makes sense"

" I see but the cafe it self looks and feels nice. I don't know what to choose"

" How about I get you what I normally get from here?" Mr. Smith said. I nodded yes because all these lunch options were messing with my head

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