Chapter Twenty-One

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Luke, Brent and Ashley all sat down in a conference room of the police department.

"Sorry to call you all here. After what was broadcasted on tv, the situation is rather extreme and we hope to find your family." The officer said. "Tell me what you know of the situation?" Ashley decided to start off.

"Well firstly, Bridget had came to me and told me that some creepy guy was rough with her in the supermarket and was spouting some nonsense to her. He had left a bruise on her wrist." Ashley said.

"We believe that the guy was Alex Smith. He was a worker for me but a little over a month ago, he stopped showing up at work. I left work a little after that also when my son was born. However Alex Smith would always want to be around Bri. He was like a lost dog. He's obsession was something everyone in my company could see."

"We have proof of him in the supermarket being rough with Bridget. Granted you can't see his face but the outfit he is wearing is the same one he has on when he is with hr outside of the complex." Brent takes out a hard drive with the security tapes from all the cameras from the complex and the ones from the market which took awhile to obtain.

The officer reviewed the tapes throughly while he took notes. When he was done, he called in another officer.

"I need to know whether or not Mr. Smith has a record. Also run this lisence plate in the system." The other officer left the room taking the hard drive and some papers with him.

"Judging from these tapes, there is a car that been parked outside of your complex for a tremendous amount of time before disappearing and reappearing. I want to see who's car is that. That may be your guy. Whether it's Smith, it could be someone else. However I didn't see any footage of the kidnapping. Were your cameras not working?"

"My team experienced technical difficulties during the possible time of Bri's kidnapping. We have back up cameras but those were hacked into and this loop of a set time of 5 minutes keeps on playing in its place." Luke answered.

"Strange. I'll get a guy down there right away—Oh and one more thing."
"Are you sure your okay with this?" Brent asked. He couldn't help being worried for Luke.

"Yeah I am." Luke replied trying to ease Brent down.

Luke was making sure his mic, camera and ear piece were nicely hidden in there respected places. He had told the officer about Candy's possible involvement. How she's working with the kidnapper in order to get what she wants. Him. The officer wanted to wire Luke up and have him provoke Candy, so they could find out if she's actually involved or not. If that didn't work the next option was to get a warrant and search her house.

"Don't mess up dude." Brent said jokingly

"Oh shut up. Like I would mess anything up?" Brent gave him a look to show that he had moments when he would mess up on something or with a certain someone. Luke understood him. All the times he messed up with Bridget. Now he was given another chance to be with her and he couldn't let that go. He need to get his girl back into his life.

"No matter what happens I will bring Jason and Bridget back to us, alive."

"Luke you can't make a prom—"

"Alive! They will be back with us alive and well. I'll will count on it. If not I'm gonna end up in jail because—" Before Luke could finish his declaration, he was interrupted by the sheriff.

Coming to an end. I love youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora