Chapter six

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Today's the day when I officially become Luke's  PA. I filled out the necessary paperwork and training throughout last week. I decided to wear a white blouses with a tight fitted suit pants and heels

" Hey if your done checking yourself for the thousandth time can we go?" Luke asked yelling downstairs. I quickly grabbed what I needed and meet up at the front door with him

Me and Luke combined our apartments. The wall that separated our apartments was knocked down. Since Luke is the owner of this building he didn't have a problem getting what he wanted. We stay at his apartment and my apartment is wear we have our fitness room, work place and that's where Charlie the room to play and run around

" Gosh your beautiful already, no reason to check yourself every five second" he scuffs with his hands in his pocket. " I'm sorry. Today's my first day as your PA so I thought I'll dress for the occasion"

" You don't have to apologize but anything you wear is fine" Luke said and I nodded to his statement. I reached over to open the door but Luke closed it instead

" What are doing?" I asked. Luke looked away from me embarrassingly

" I haven't received a kiss from you" he said pointing at his lips. " This again?" I asked. All of last week Luke made it his mission to educate himself on the art of romance. Like a child he bought many relationships magazines. He wanted us to follow the different tips the magazine said

" Yes this again. It's good to greet your significant other with a loving kiss every morning. I'm waiting" he said trapping me against the wall

" Luke we don't have time for this. Do you want to be late for work?"

" I get it. You don't love me. That's why you don't want to kiss me" he said with an exaggerated sigh

" Of course I love you" I said. I grabbed his tie and pulled him towards me and crashed my lips to his. I made sure to give him a passionate kiss to show, just how much I feel for him

Luke walks down the hall with such authority. Everyone who wasn't doing anything quickly did something. I followed close behind and avoided the whispers of other workers

" Good morning Mr. Reed"

" Mr. Smith good morning to you too. I wanted to th—-". Mr. Smith ignored what Luke was gonna say next and we exchanged Good morning also. " You look fancier then usual, what's the occasion". Before I could say anything Luke yelled to everyone on the floor

" May I have your attention. This young lady Bridget Logan will be my new personal assistant. Sorry to bother you from working. If you need anything Ms. Logan will assist you then I will if absolutely necessary. I don't want anyone to be anything but nice to Ms. Logan's new position. Me. Logan is allowed to fire anyone, no questions asked. That is all. Ms. Logan lets go" Luke said walking towards his office

" I'm sorry Mr. Smith. We will talk later" I said following behind him. Luke closed the door behind him once we got into his office. " Are you serious? I could fire anyone if there rude to me?"

" Well Yeah. I don't needed anyone giving you a rough time. If they do then kick them out without hesitation" Luke said leaning on his desk. " Is that what you do?"

" Well sometimes. I didn't need inconsiderate people working in my office. I may not hire them but I can differently fire them and so can you"

" Luke that's crazy. You fire people if they do some type of wrong to your company or even to other workers not because there rude to you"

" I know, I know. I'm just kidding but tell me if anyone is giving you a hard time" I gave him a nod to show him I understand. " Now let me show you to your room" he said getting up from the desk. He walked over to a sliding door and slide it to the left. There was a beautiful room on the other side but obviously not as big as Luke's

Coming to an end. I love youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ