Chapter eighteen

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"Sir are you sure your girlfriend and kid are missing?" I felt like pulling my hair out. Was this bitch serious? This lady has asked me this question for the 3rd time in a row.

"How clearer do I have to be? Yes they are missing. You even have a bat with blood on it. Doesn't that mean something to you?" All the lady could do was roll her eyes and jot down whatever

"Well we can't file a missing person case until 24 hours of the person being—(ahem)-'missing' she walked away from me and left with everyone else who was at the apartment examining the scene. I closed the door and made my way to the living room.

"What did they say?" Brent asked petting a sleeping Charlie

"We gotta wait 24 hours. 24 freaking hours until they can do something" I had the urge to throw a chair out of a window but instead I sat down on my couch.

"This cant be possible. I'm probably overreacting. Soon Bridget is gonna walk through that door with Jason and be alright. She'll say she went out for a midnight walk" I liked my fantasy idea and watched the front door like a hawk. I wanted what I said to come true

"Luke" Brent started but Ashley cut him off. Luke just needed to be alone. Brent knew that but didn't want to leave Luke alone. Who knew what he would do all by himself?
(Present time)

"My sweet sweet darling. Are you ready to admit that you are mine?" Mr. Smith walked in and made his way towards me and Jason.

"Never. I will never be yours" I spat in his face. He raised a hand and I took another hit, protecting Jason. I shook a bit but held back the tears from my eyes. Mr. Smith rubbed my cheeks and apologize for what he had done. That this was one of, the ways to punish me. To teach me that I belong to him.

He left the room again and I concentrated on his choice of words. 'One of the ways'. Getting slapped and punch by him hurts already but I can't imagine what other punishments he would do to teach me a lesson. I can imagine him using Jason to get to me. I'll never have anything bad happen to my boy and if it does I'll go ballistic. I try to calm myself down by thinking about something else.

I wondered if Luke's worried about me. All I want is to be with him and be a real family. I cuddle with Jason and lay down on the mat with the blanket covering us. Some sleep would be good.

Luke POV

That was one of the worse sleep I had in my entire life. The bed felt so cold next to me. The house felt quite because of no crying. Oh god I miss them. It's only been a couple of hours but it's felt like a life time. Was I a good dad? Did I tell Bridget how much I love her? These were the thoughts that were running through my brain and I couldn't make them stop. I reached over and looked at my phone. No messages, no miss call. Nothing. I didn't even feel like getting up to eat breakfast.

I made my way downstairs and grabbed a banana and beer.

"These will do" I said making my way to the living room and browsing what they had on tv

"Luke Reed, one of the richest men on earth, has gotten back together with his ex-girlfriend, Candy. Not even long after, what was his current girlfriend and son go missing" I nearly spit out my beer for what I heard. What the hell is this?

"Yes, me and Luke are happy. I truly am sorry for Brooklyn and hopefully she's found soon. I believe it's best if they could burry her body properly" Candy said. I was furious. I don't know what game she's playing but I don't like it at all. Not one bit. I get up from the couch to prepare myself to leave. I have a visit to make.

It took my quite awhile to get to Candy's house and it was as if she was waiting for me. Immediately when I knocked she answered.

"Oh babe your here. I've missed you." She leaned in for a hug which I didn't allow her to get

"What the hell is this? And what the hell did you say on tv? You better take what you said back, NOW"

"How could I when you chose to be with me" Candy smirk got wider and I was hesitant to listen to her even more

"I didn't choose to be with you. Your delusional. I don't want to be with you again, EVER"

"Not even if its to save your girl and son" I was quiet. What does she mean about that? Does she know where my family is? All she could do was laugh which began to piss me off.

"I'M NOT HERE TO TAKE YOUR CRAP. I WANT YOU TO TELL THE PRESS THAT WE AREN'T ASSOCIATED WITH ONE ANOTHER. NEXT YOUR GONNA TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT BRIDGET AND JASON DISAPPEARANCES" Candy opened her front door wide open signaling for me to come in. Even if I didn't want to, my feet betrayed me. I need to see if she had my family or at least know where they went.

My phone goes off like crazy with text messages and calls from Brent. He obviously saw the news this morning and wanted answers. Answers that I couldn't give him. Once I sat down on the couch I turned my phone off. I dared didn't sit next to Candy. Knowing her, she wouldn't control herself and try to touch me and I wasn't having it. I guess she caught onto me and smiled at me from the other couch

"Come in Luke. It's me. I don't bite. Well maybe" She liked her lips seductively as if that was cute. I never got turned on by her back then and I sure am not getting turned on now.

"I'm not here for any bullshit. Tell me why YOU TOLD THE MEDIA WE WERE TOGETHER?" I couldn't control myself when Bridget and Jason were back in my mind. This bitch knew something and she better tell me now.

"It was a good opportunity. You can't say it wasn't. I got a very frightening letter from someone telling me that they have your girl and son. It said if Luke didn't date someone else then your little family would be dead. I had to do what I had to do. To make you happy, this was the only way" I was furious. This couldn't be true but on the other hand what if it was? Not sure from where but Candy pulled out a letter and handed to me. It was a typed later but on the back it had pictures of Bridget and Jason in some small room. I read the letter and Candy wasn't lying. There are pictures of my family.

"So?" Candy asked waking over to me. "What are you going to do?"

I felt weak and disgusted. I'm not a man at all. "I'll do it. I'll do what the letter says. I'll date you" I put my head down ashamed at the words that came out of my mouth. But this is for Bridget and Jason. I have to. "Perfect" Candy whispered

"Shut that mutt up or I will" I hold onto Jason rocking him until he settles down. He was hungry and Mr. Smith wasn't giving us anything to eat until I said that I was his.

"Please, why are you doing this? This isn't like you at all." I asked

"I'm not doing anything. I'm sorry if I scared you and our son" This nonsense again.

"This—" He cut me off from speaking


"NO I'M NOT. I am not yours" He slapped me with the back of his hands. I hold Jason tighter towards my chest. If I'm not careful he would kill Jason and I didn't want that.

"Your little baby will die if he doesn't eat. Both of you will. So what will it be? Will you be the cause of your sons death?" After what felt like hours fighting with him, I gave in. How could I do so so easily? It's for Jason. It's for Luke. I have to.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yes I am yours. Only yours. I'll listen from here on out" He reached out and stroked my cheek. He apologized for slapping me. He left the room and kept the door locked saying he'll be back with the food. Jason was whimpering now but it was all gonna be alright soon. Soon.

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