41. A Loner's Emergency.

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Her voice seemed to be the only sound,rendering every early bird songs indistinct as she stepped into my room,the click clack of her kitchen heels echoing hard against the floorboards.

I forced my eyelids open ,managed to stretch my arms before i woke up fully to the sight of my ever hardworking mother all dressed in a classy outfit that says nothing about laziness

I itched my temple "Good morning mom-

She cuts in,dashing towards my full length vanity mirror "Morning girl, how was your night,great i guess?"

"Yeah....great." i mouthed the last word.

Not so great. Not after i received a crazy offer from one of the popular chick yesterday.

"I know right?" i heard her chuckle "So hon,i don't know what today might bring because i am so going to be busy,when i say busy..."

She gave me a quick glance "I mean really occupied,the works,the appointment,the meetings,my schedules...damn,i feel like one pregnant woman right now."

I tried searching for the right words to say but i found none,right there i just kept quiet,hoping she would come up with an excuse ,make up an excuse to just stay at home,spend the weekend with her family.

Mother gently rubbed her face with her palm,her diamond studded Rolex sparkling all over the place "I might not come back home tonight,so i will call your dad and explain the situation of things to him,that should save me the trouble of having to answer his crazy questions later when he asks after his own daughter".

"Wait,what?! Dad won't be around for the weekend too?!" i asked in horror.

"Yes,he had to leave last night,it was an emergency-

I asking, scowling "Its always like that,emergency emergency emergency,when arecwe ever going to see to our emergency,my own emergency?"

"For the umpteenth time,Tania. Your father and i are busy,and you know it....."

Finally she turned away from the mirror,thus, aborting her preening mission.

I was a little bit thankful for that.

She started coolly "Right now,i don't care about what everyone,what the world thinks about me because i was a business woman when your father met me,and nothing can ever change me from working my ass off to get my shit together,your father has his job,and i have mine..."

"We are struggling just to make our family stand,to cater for your needs....."

"And you don't think my needs starts from spending the weekend with you guys in our own home?" i grasped the hem of my duvet,feeling the heat taking over my body.

"Ugh,for Pete sake,daughter you are one grown teenager,you don't have to spend every weekends waiting for mom to bake that cake or dad to wash that car while you are there in the living room binge watching some Netflix rom com".

She stopped by my bedside and perched on the bed,her soft hand caressing my weaves.

"We are Owens,and Owens don't do that,we don't waste time washing cars,baking,gifting or philandering about because we have one solid reason to live and die for. And its the business"

"Hon,i'm gonna have to boss this shit like never before,i have to keep giving it my best shot,that's just the real truth".

"Mom,its not as easy or as funny or...or as crazy as you think it is." i averted my gaze on her and rested it on my white ceiling.

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