Seventy Seven- Laws of Love

Start from the beginning

Varian: (smirk) I'm truly flattered my little songbird~

(Judy back away from him, only a few inches. She gripped her gun as she stare at him. All is still as the townpeople watch. Varian let out a smirk, girpping on his. Judy narrow her eyes on him. After what feels like hours, Judy let out a huge..)

Judy: DRAW!

(Judy shoot in a fast speed, shooting the gun off his hand. Varian growl at this. He dodge the bullet and grab his gun, shooting at Judy. She dodge his bullets and get in a hiding place. She shoot from there at him. Soon it became a gun fight between the two. Judy is swaeting up, tryig to stay alive. But Varian didn's show a face of remorse.)

Varian: Oh songbird~ Come out, come out, wherever you are~

(Judy inhale in and out. Then, she jumped out of her hiding place and fire with two guns at him. One knock the gun out of his hand, the other he dodge. Judy walk to him as she pull out handcuff and cuff him.)

Judy: Don't worry, I'm sure I can find a cozy place for a rouge like you.

Varian: Oh I'm sure you can.

(Judy grab him hand and gudie him back to the office. They enter the office, taking him to the back where the calls are. Varian look around.)

Varian: Nice place you got sheriff.

Judy: Thanks.

(She grab the keys from her desk, unlock one and open it for him. Varian let out a chuckle.)

Varian: You know angel. For a sheriff, you sure are a angel of beauty.

Judy: Yeah, I get like that around other guys.

(She lead him in the cell, close it and lock it good. She hook the keys on her belt. Varian lean against the bars.)

Varian: Hmm. Some guy's gonna be real lucky to have you, I mean who wouldn't want to date a sheriff?

Judy: (look to him) You mean who wouldn't date a boring, plain jane? They say I'm too lame and too dull.

(She walk to her desk, take a seat and kick her leg up.)

Varian: Aww~ That's not true~ I think you're fun.

Judy: (look back at him) You're just saying that cause I'm the one who have to stop you handsome.

Varian: Do you think I'm handsome songbird? You keep saying it so you might give me the wrong idea if you're not careful~

Judy: I see. Then what can I call ya, something other than outlaw, crimianl or handsome?

(Varian just shrugged. Judy look at him, taking in his detail. He is handsome in her mind, but he never go for a sheriff like her.)

Judy: I like raccoons, and you're as sneaky as a ring tail, Ring Tail.

Varian: Hmm...I like it! Has a nice ring to it, thanks songbird~You just gave me a bandit name~

Judy: (smirk) Glad I can help ya Ring Tail~

(Judy look away from him. Varian look at her. For a sheriff, she is darn dang gorgeous, the curvse, the chest, the way she gave him that smirk and that hair and those eyes.)

Varian: You know, you look kinda cute in that sheriff outfit~

Judy: (look at him) Cute? Wow, I'm truly flattered.

Varian: (chuckle) What? Don't belive me?

Judy: Oh no, no. I do. It's gonna take more than words.

(Judy look away from him. Varian let out a smirk as he gripped into the bars.)

Varian: How about a kiss~?

(And that cause Judy to get her face red. She jump her legs down and turn to face him.)

Judy: You're pulling my leg, are you Ring Tail?

Varian: Do I look like I am? I mean, I understand if you're scared~

(She narrow her eyes. She get off of her seat and walk to him, gripping the bars of his cell.)

Judy: Call me all you want Ring Tail, but don't call me scared.

(Judy lean in and kiss him on the lips. His eyes widen at this. He kiss her back as he quietly sneak to grab the keys and hide them in his jacket. She pull away.)

Judy: There.

(She walk away from him, went back to her desk and kick her leg back up. With her back turned, he quietly unlocked the cell, walk out and placing the keys on the desk before leaving. Judy look up, then she fell on the ground with a yelp. She look up.)

Judy: How did you get out Ring Tail?!

Varian: Not telling songbird!

(Then he start running. Judy get up and run after him.)

Judy: I'll get you Ring Tail! Just you wait!

Varian: Love to see you try!~

(He ran faster and hind behind a house. Judy ran past him, she stopped and start look around.)

Judy: That no good, rotten, handsome, dangerous snake1 Just wait till I put you back in prison!

Varian: (lean against the wall) So you so think I'm handsome~ Aww~ You flatter me my songbird~

(Judy see him and run after him, he start running again.)

Judy: I gothcha now Ring Tail!

Varian: No you don't!

(Judt growl as she chase him.)

Judy: When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna lock ya up in a tight cell and throw the keys away!

(Varian let out a laugh and jumped up on the baloncy. He lean against the railing.)

Varian: Aww~ I didn't know you were that desperte to have me around songbird~ You flatter me~

Judy: (growl) You are being so hard to get.

Varian: What can I say? I like the chase! It's fun, especially when you're this despertae to het me~ It's adorable~

Judy: (narrow her eyes at him) You really are as sneaky as a ring tail.

(Judy start backing away, then run forawrd and jumped up on the blacony he's in. He chuckle.)

Varian: Nice jump songbird~

(He pull out a chemical ball, throw it at her feet as it explode. Judy is now stuck on a goo like glue. She try pulling her legs out, but she is stuck.)

Varina: See ya songbird!

(He jumped up on the roof of the house and ran again. Judy growl, as she try hard to get out of the goo. Down below her, the townpeople are gosspiing about her and Varian. She let out a groan, just her luck. With Varian, he ran to his hideout and let out a laugh)

Varian: That sheriff is so easy to outrun! It's almost too easy. (chuckle) She sure is a cutie I give her this, oh the fun we will have.

(He lean against his chair as he kick his feet up with a chcukle. He hope they can keep her a while, cause this is only the beginning of their relationship.)

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