Chapter 25:The Mind Shifter

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A distraction was sufficient to make my previous fight unreasonable.I could feel him probing my mind.I was trying to push him out.It was like a thought which never got away.The one thought we never forgot no matter how much we wished.I could not allow him to know all my secrets now.I did not know how to manifest my powers correctly.This was the moment I had to try without any doubt in my ability.Because not only my life,Chris was also in danger.

I closed my eyes.I thought of the trees and birds in the palace garden.The calming energy always soothed me.I thought how happy I felt when I was with my friends and family.I concentrated on those thoughts and felt my power.This time I could tap into something I never tried.I focused that energy and tried to build a wall in my mind.How the wall protected my thoughts would be similar to me standing up against Savir.I felt something slamming into the wall.This was Savir trying to access my mind.He had got in but my focus for a split second would undo all his work.He couldn't read all my thoughts and memories.He may have known what I was feeling when he broke into my mind but I had put a barrier now.I understood my Mind Shifting ability now.No other person with any ability could barricade their mind again if it was broken in.They wouldn't even know the other person's presence.I could feel him trying to break in,again.I decided to give him a dose of his own medicine.

As he was trying so hard to read my thoughts,his own mind was vulnerable.I could break into his mind now.

It was late when he realised what had actually happened.I could tell he never expected me to breach his mind judging by the shock on his face.Also he was capable of many things which I had no idea about.I prepared myself for every kind of worst outcome possible.And it was looking more probable.

Savir must have learned some of my fears because he changed my surroundings now.There was nothing present there.Only he was present.I searched frantically for Chris.But he was nowhere to be found.This had to be a projection and my worst fear.

The white room was something I hated.There was no color and no entry and exit to be found.I was trapped in a spotless bright room with him.And I didn't know how to get out.This was my recurring nightmare.To get trapped and to frantically search for an exit.The only upgrade was he was also in it.But there was something different in Savir's features.He was also scanning our environment.It looked liked he was also trapped in the same way.

I had thought he was responsible for this.But he was also trapped here which meant I had something to do with it.Or that Chris had woken up.If I did it unknowingly,I must certainly know how to get out.I had to get up from this nightmare.It wasn't simple because everytime I thought of waking up,I got distracted.I now understood why every instructor insisted on meditating.I had to focus now.

I calmed myself first.Then I thought of the Savir's world where Chris was.I concentrated on that world and willed this imaginary world to go away.Of course it didn't work.If willing things to happen worked,I would accomplished loads of things.It was sad that it didn't work this way.

I had to find the reason my magic projected this nightmare.If I could finish this,I could return.To finish it meant waking up most of the times,but I wasn't asleep now.This loop could end if I broke the hold of this room on me.I closed my eyes and tried to Transport myself back.I was already in that place physically but mentally I was trapped in my self-made prison.I imagined what Savir was doing here.Had his messing up my thoughts resulted in this?If so I had to get out of the block I created in my mind.I opened up my magic and concentrated hard on getting out of here.

It must have worked because I was once again facing a disgruntled Savir.He must have come back from my prison.It meant I could trap someone in their own memory.My powers chose a very bad time to reveal what they were.

"Enough is enough,Princess.I am going to get done now.Prepare to forget your past,and become my ally."

Was he going to modify my memories?

I sensed his energy approaching me.I blocked it but he sent other flares towards me in all directions.I couldn't fight all this but I tried.I created a shield and then neutralized each flare separately.I couldn't attack him but I answered all his attacks.He then sent me a beam of energy and I was using my neutralizing beam when I felt something was off.

I got hit from an energy pulse from the back.I turned my head to find Savir standing there.He upstaged me.I was foolish to not think he had another trick up his sleeve.The beam must have had something to do with my memories because it was his plan all along.I was getting fatigued.It now now or never.

I launched a series of attacks in all directions.I used my dizzy beams and color changer beam so he couldn't see properly.I set up the surroundings to change their colours.All this sensory overload could drive a person insane.It would make you want to bang your head, so you stop seeing it.It wasn't helping me either.I really wanted to stop and close my eyes.But I couldn't.Not when I was already compromised and several lives depended on me including mine.

I didn't know how I got the inspiration, but I used all of my energy and produced an energy blast.I never knew I could all of these projections before.I never thought I would all these from my childhood classes.I never thought I could die without seeing my family.And Chris,I didn't know what would happen to him.He was here because of me, and he was injured now because of all the magic done on him.

I couldn't see anything because I was tearing up.I had to shoot the energy blast now.I didn't know what would happen now because of all the colours and Savir neutralizing them.I focused it on him and released the blast.It knocked me back but Savir was watching me.He saw the blast coming towards him and was trying to Transport himself.But his own magic boundary was not helping him.And his focus was dwindling.I could see the surroundings refocus in a split second.The blast was about to touch him and everything around me dissolved.We were back in the Archives and I felt so relieved that I was about to pass out.I couldn't understand what was happening and where Savir was gone.I saw Chris laying down still.I made my way towards him but I couldn't stand.I crawled towards him and saw he was breathing.

I saw all black spots in my vision and my mind refused to work.That energy beam worked, I thought and laughed despite myself.I closed my eyes.I couldn't keep them open.After all,I brought us back and did not become a puppet to an evil mastermind.I could sleep now without any worry,right?

Author's note:
Well,I think an Epilogue would be next.Aria finally made back and she is hit by an energy beam.What do you think will it cost her?And what do you think will happen next?

Should I write it's sequel?After writing Epilogue,of course.Tell me what you want to see more.I love hearing from you.

And thank you for reading this and being with Aria on her journey.

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