Chapter 9:Crucial Information

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I was working on my Mind Reading report and my thoughts kept drifting away. If what Chris said was true, then there was someone else who knew what had happened between Sameyra and Samey. It did not matter who it was. What else had happened that day?

And then, there were Memory Stones. They could be used as messaging devices. They worked on projector's signature. They were designed to sense the projector. Now that was complicated stuff. If the magic signature was faked, would they work? Magic Stones were used for many purposes and this specific one was unknown. There could be many things which were forgotten because of no written accounts.

Then I got an idea.I could ask someone about magic stones. Now where would Lucas be?

I waited outside his class room. My specialization class did not have many students, so we had lots of free time. But others had many assignments and many shifts. I waited for 5 minutes and then sat on the nearby desk.

"What brings you here? Not that I'm not happy to see you here."Lucas was standing before me. He looked tired which was a surprise.

"Actually I wanted some information."

"We can talk on our way to the cafeteria."

"Fine by me." I needed a snack anyway.

"So what do you want to know?"

"Magic Stones," I said. He abruptly turned towards me.

"Why sudden interest in this?"

"I was reading an article and thought I could learn more. You made a Light stone in the contest. Won't you teach me?"

"I did not say no. So you want to know its theory too?" I nodded.

We found a table in the corner and started eating our sandwiches. It was really quiet. Most of the projectors were busy at that time of the day. Lucas removed a journal from his back pack. That journal had his notes. He had a messy hand writing.

"You can read this, later. Now for the most part, Magic Stones are like normal projections. You make an object work according to your requirement. But in this magic, you have to infuse your magic in the object. This would be a hard part. It involves projecting both inner and outer aspects of the object. Take the light stones for example. I had to make them absorb the bioluminescent quality of the plant and make them glow. Absorbing part was inner aspect and making them glow was outer aspect. Again it would depend on the type of projection being performed."

I asked him then the question I really wanted answered.

"Can we use the stones to project a situation? Like the entire cafeteria in the form of a recording."

He frowned. "It is plausible in theory. I never thought about it, let alone tried it. This seems like a nice area for my study. Would you mind if I worked on this? "

I would have to talk to Chris about that. I did not think it would be good if this information got out.

"We can work as a private study group. I want to know more before making this information public."

"I understand. So this would be our secret project. Cool."

"Yeah.Thanks for your notes."

"I guess I'll see you later."

We parted, and I moved towards Chris's room. I stood outside his room and heard talking. Carl, was there too. I was contemplating whether to knock or not when the door opened.

"You can come in." Chris said.

"I did not want to intrude."

"You are not. We were just talking stuff. So what's up?"

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