Chapter 7:Caught in the Act

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"You are not serious, right?"

Chris had an incredulous look on his face.

We were standing in the balcony on the third floor overlooking fountains. The weather was cold which was why we were wearing sweaters.

I looked at him with an impassive expression.

"You are not joking. Why do we have to sneak in this Archives building?"
I nodded and said, "Because our library has nothing to offer on what we need."

"Maybe it was not seen in the past."He pointed out.

"Or maybe our library is understocked."I fired back.

"Whatever. How do you propose we enter, assuming I'm with you in this madness, provided you are right? I don't think you have any access card. A princess or not, you cannot enter without permission. There had been a slight chance of success before we got ourselves out on probation."

"That's why we are sneaking in."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm serious."

"That's what I'm worried about. You are taking more interest in this thing. It's like you are personally offended. I fear the consequences, Aria."

"There's nothing to be worried about. I'm just curious.I'm sure it will be fine."

"Listen carefully. I don't want to be involved in this, but I'm coming with you. I know I will regret it later." He said with a finality in his voice.

"I knew you would come. We should meet later to discuss things."

"Ah, you guys are here. Well, go on. In the classroom."Carl said pointing towards the room. I was happy to find that Chris was also startled.

"What are we learning today?"

"Basics of the telepathic link."

"Where are the notes?"

"I don't have them. We will be working on the stuff I found during my research."

"Your research?"

"It was my final test in research."

"So what did you find?"

"Let's start the class now. Don't take any notes now. Write a summary report later."

So for the next 45 minutes, I listened to Carl droning on about telepathic links. He was telling stuff about making and breaking them, talking to a linked person and projecting in a linked person's mind and the cruelest of all, controlling the linked person.

At the end of the session, I asked him a question.

"Why is there no report or mention of telepathically linked persons in any book?"

"It is rather unusual. The books are updated and there is nothing known of a time in the past. It's because the library was burned down and the books are gone."

"Shouldn't there be something which had information? Not everything could be lost, right?"

"We can certainly hope."

Chris was patiently listening at this point.

"And how come no one investigated this? Surely someone would have been interested. We wouldn't be the first ones asking these questions."

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