Chapter 17:The Visit

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Carl knew how to drop a bombshell.He waited till we were about to leave and added as an afterthought.He must have had a field day seeing our expressions.We were too shocked to say anything.We knew we would visit The Archives.But the knowledge that we were really going there was very unsettling at the moment.It was like a dream come true.We were quite for a minute or so and Carl was looking at us with an amused expression.
"How did you manage to do this so early?"Chris woke up from his stupor apparently.Good response time compared to mine.
"Uh,I asked again?"
Was that supposed to be an answer?
"And they agreed?"I asked.
"They agreed.But the time was not approved.There is some maintenance check next week.So we can see during that, all you wanted to see."
That made sense.They squeezed us on their schedule when there would be many projectors to keep an eye on us.That was smart.Better then than never.It did not mean that we would not sneak away for our mission though.We would be extra careful.
"So, we are going there the day after tomorrow.Be ready."

"Do you think we will find something when we go, there?"I voiced my doubt.
Chris pondered for a while.
"We will find something.That place has many hidden things as far as I knew.We will come back with more knowledge for sure."
"I find your optimism some times terrifying."
He shrugged.
"That's how I think.Besides we will see the journals so that we can know something about Mind Shifters and, of course, all Memory stones.Not to mention,other books like Best Kind Of Projections.We will find something which may even be unconventional,I guess."
"Yeah, that may actually story.Anyway,I won."
He frowned.
"Well, you did a great job and you did, kind of, break my block, for a second,but I reinstated it so it was not a complete break."
"Think about it.I did break your block the first time.I wouldn't have allowed you to reinstate if I had practice."
"Okay.You win."
"I knew it.So what's the catch?"
"You are asking me?I can make the terms void then."
I smirked.
"You are too good to do that.Now tell me."
He thought for a moment.
"A favor.When and where, you can decide."
"Done.We have only one more day to go."
"Yeah.Let's hope best."

It was like I was a bundle of energy ready to burst any second.Sometimes I felt anxious and sometimes I was excited.I was waiting to go to the Archives.I decided to distract myself.At this rate,I was going to exhaust myself.
I went to the Library and checked out the book on plants.I wanted to know something and not make a fool of myself when I talked to Lexie next time.It was hard to keep myself calm and not blurt out about the book to Mrs.Wilkins.
I sat in my usual corner reading.The book told all the basics about plant projections.And I was trying so hard to remember them.They were used to make potions in indirect projections and also for direct projections.Like thise energy plants Lexie was working on were for direct Projections.All this just established the fact that there were many things I did not know about Projections.I did not know anything my powers let alone other's powers.

I spent the whole time reading and trying not to think much.My parents were as usual working hard because of maintenance.So the day before we were supposed to visit The Archives,I ate with them.
The dinner was pleasant with the small talk until the topic of conversation settled on the Archives.
"You look excited to go there."
My father was right about that.
"Yeah.I can learn many things there."
"Be careful.There are traps in the places you are not classified to enter."Mother nodded.
"I don't plan on going there."
My parents looked at me and I understood the expression.They knew I caused trouble wherever I went.
"Okay.I will not cause any trouble.Trust me,I am not going to search danger."
They nodded.And I knew they did not beleive me.

I was tired when I woke up because sleep eluded me.Then I remembered about our visit and I got ready quickly.I went to the cafeteria and saw Chris sitting there with his backpack.I also had a similar backpack with my book and some snacks.I sat in front of him.
"Good morning!"
"You seem so cheerful today."
"Yes.We are not getting caught and punished for something for once.I am sure that is a good reason for being happy."
"Hey Aria!"
Lexie sat down beside me.
"You guys look ready to go somewhere."She said pointing at our backpacks.
"We are going on a field trip."
"That's good.I wanted to give you something about my research because you said you will help me.Its okay if you are busy."She fidgeted.
"Hey.That's great.What did you bring?You know I'm always ready to help you."
She smiled.
She dropped some leaves in my outstretched palm.
"These are for the energy projection.I don't know how it works.Will you work on this?I can work on the other one then."
"Sure.I will put them in a bottle."
Chris handed me an empty water bottle and I dropped the leaves in it.
"There's Carl."
He came to our table.
"Good morning,guys.Time to leave."
"Have fun."Lexie said.
We went on our separate ways.

Unlike last time,we did not wait at the front door.Carl had us standing near the window which was totally weird.He waited for some time.Then his watch started beeping.He pointed the dial towards the handle of window and it opened.The window was a door and this fact blew my mind.That was a stupid trick.And we were standing near the door which was in fact a window trying to break in.
We entered through the window seeming door.
The inside of The Archives was like a giant library.There were many partitions and aisles.And each aisle led go different segments.I did not see anyone and there was this whole maintenance thing.
"There are journals over there.Go see that aisle.I'll be back after I check in with the officials."Carl said walking us towards the Journal aisle.
The aisle led to a big room filled with many unending shelves.I searched them alphabetically to the letter M and saw many books about Mind Readers.Chris was a step ahead of me and that's why I noticed something different.His backpack was glowing.
"Wait up Chris.What's up with your backpack?"
He opened it and removed the glowing Memory stone.
"How did this happen?We sealed it."He frowned.
"It is glowing like a beacon.Do you think it has something to do with the fact that we are here in the Archives?"

Author's note:
Hey everyone!
Thanks for reading. 😊😊😊
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