Chapter 10:The Mysterious Note

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The next few days were normal for me. I practiced and got the hang of Mind Reading.I could tell someone's feelings if I concentrated really hard.But it did not give me a huge head ache now.The Cleaning part was also manageable.Our punishment was nearing its end anyway.And also, I had started learning to defend myself. Like some  really basic stuff. I was no fighter yet. The Memory Stones still had my focus, and I researched about them constantly.Chris told me how he got to encrypt them.He had added our projection signature to the stone along with the memory. I had not tried doing that. Lucas's journal was really helpful in this matter. It detailed all of the basic stuff about Magic Stones. So things seemed pretty good for me. Or that's what I thought.
Chris had sent me a message asking to meet in the library. The paper floated in front of me till I read it.Then it simply vanished. I was walking towards the library without observing my surroundings.

I turned back and saw a girl.She seemed nervous.She was nearly as tall as me with black hair and blue eyes.
"Can you tell me where administrative buildings are?"
"This is the administrative building.What office do you want?"
"The Testing Area?"
"Second floor."
"Thank you very much."
Before I could ask her something, she walked away in a hurry.I was getting side tracked, so I moved towards the library.

I saw him sitting in the corner table by the window.It was evening, but the room was sufficiently bright.I sat across him.
"Why did you call me?"
He removed a book from his backpack and pushed it towards me.
"What is this?"
"Open it to the centre.Do not make a big deal about it."
Weird.I opened the book and turned the pages then I saw what he meant.There was a note.


I looked at him. Now I understood his serious look and the need for being calm about this.
"Why do you think this is important?"I finally asked.
"I have got no clue.At this point, I can only say that someone is keeping tabs on us."
"Maybe it's just a coincidence.Or a prank."
"Do you really believe that?The first note was no coincidence.This is a serious matter now."
"Maybe that person is trying to scare us off."
"Or helping us."
"Maybe that person has an ulterior motive.No one would go out of their way trying to help us."
"I am just confused about all this.Why would this person try to write to us now?This could have been done when the first note was planted in the office."
"He is trying to win our trust, I think.I mean we would not have given any attention if this happened first."
"Even then how can we believe him now?He could be lying to us considering this was true."
"We can only guess.He is trying to win our trust, I think."
"I can't get any trace from that note."
"That sure put a damper in this quest."
"You are joking about that?I have thought non-stop about this since I saw that."
He pointed at the note.
"I have thought non-stop about this since I saw that.It was on my desk.I was searching for my report and then I found it.It did not make sense to me at first.Then I thought about 'recent events'.So I decided to tell you."
"Odd choice of words,"I said pointing and moving my finger across when something else appeared.


The situation became more serious, and we tensed.That person was observing us.This was a dangerous situation.

"Should we burn it?"
"Wait.Even if we burn,I don't think anything worth would come out of it."
"That person is spying on us.He could use us as pawns in his game.We should do something.We can't just wait."
"Feel the paper. See if you get something."
I touched it with my power.The note had something unusual.It felt cold.It was the first time I felt some object's temperature.
"The trace is getting lost.That's why it seems cool."
"In that case that person should not be anywhere near us.He could just do this with large distance between us."
"The main question is- how is he observing us?"
"He could have rigged something."
"Like What?"
"How would I know?"
"So what is our game plan now?"
"I guess we could wait.We can't tell anyone.We can't do anything about it actually."
The situation was out of hand, and it really frustrated me.I did not like unknown scenarios.Like how the person knew us and we knew next to nothing about him.And he could be a great projector if he could make words appear here in the paper when he was far from us.He could have been observing us from the start and we were ignorant.The faded article about the queen, the memory stone and the letter now could be related.If they were not related, then there was a problem.
"What do you think about the person?Is he harmful?"
"At this point, I am not sure.There is literally no reason for him to tell us anything.He should definitely have a motive behind this."
"This is honestly giving me a headache."
"In that case, you should not over think this.It is simple.We are obviously neglecting the truth before us.I will try to find out more-"
"This again came right to the Queen.We have to find something about her."
"I hate that you are right."
"Do you think The Archives would really have any information?"
"Let's hope so."
"I will let you know if I find something and you do the same."
I nodded.
"I have to go."

I was alone in the library thinking about the note again when someone sat before me.
"Hey!Its nice to see you again."

Author's note:
Thank you all so much for reading,commenting and voting.
What did you think about the story so far?Let me know.

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