Chapter 8:The Contest

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I was feeling really good in classes after meditating. My concentration had improved and I really liked learning new stuff anyway. Mind Reading was still hard for me but I was getting the hang of it. I was not as good as Chris, though. He could just see someone and know the person’s feelings. He never did that usually.

So it was kind of funny when my friend asked me to be on her team. I had long way to go in both Mind Reading and Mind Shifting skills.And then there were other kind of projections which everyone just knew.
The Annual Festival was coming up and all projectors participated in some type of contest of their liking.

“Will you come with me?” Lexie asked.


“The Annual contest Trials. Team category.”She told me.

“They have an obstacle course and many other things.”She added as an after thought.

“Fine. Who else will be with us?”

“Can I get in with you?”
We turned towards the speaker.

“Why do you always eavesdrop, Lucas?” Lexie glared at him.

“I was not. You were not being quiet, anyway. So what do you say? I am good with objects and projections.”

I turned towards Lexie and she was frowning. As much as she hated him, he was valuable as a team member. She sighed, “Fine.”

“You can ask Chris if he wants to enter in the contest.”

“I will try.” I said.

Before leaving for my class, I ventured towards the bulletin board. The flyer had all kinds of entries for the competition. There were many categories in single and team entries. It had nothing in my projection specialization. There were no other students to participate anyway if it had been.

“Think you can participate in the contest with us?”I questioned.

“I guess you got roped into this.” Chris smiled.

“Yeah. With Lexie and Lucas.”

“I can try. You should know the contest tests are brutal.”

“I am not worried. And here comes, our instructor.”

Carl had us doing more exercises and also had us practising on each other.He had us fight each other till we were exhausted then made us write reports.He certainly was not giving us any time off.

The Annual fest was upon us, and I seriously hoped I did not fail. We met in the quad and waited for our turn. Everyone would get different kind of obstacle course. So they were preparing ours after the last team got out.

It was time.

The layout was similar like in the Forest of Illusions. They could try something new,seriously.It was dark. The first test. I smiled.

“Anyone got any flashlight or similar thing?” 

“I work with plants. I have this.”Lexie rolled her eyes.

“That’s bioluminescent. Clever.”I said.The others nodded.

“I can increase its intensity using these stones.”

Lucas gave us each a stone after making them glow using the plant’s essence. Awesome.

We moved forward on the path. It looked like a maze.

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