Chapter 12:The Seal

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I was flabbergasted that Carl interviewed Aura.In that case,he was kind of high ranking official.Chris would have known about this.This was the reason I was surprised when I found out Chris had no idea about this.

"What do you mean?"He asked.

"Carl interviewed her.He should be in some department in Mediators thing."I told him.

"I did not know about Mediators until you told me and I find it hard to believe even now."

"You don't believe Me?"

"I am trying to."

"That's fine.She is not a projector by the way."

I had the satisfaction of seeing him surprised for a moment.It did not happen frequently.

"You mean Non Projectors are assigned a position and we knew nothing about that?"


"It seems like I will have a long chat with my brother."

"Count me in.I have some questions."

It was a day of surprises because Carl was late to the class.And it gave me a perfect opportunity to tell Chris about everything.I had not stopped thinking about Mediators and that terrifying letter and it's terrifying meaning.

"You are here."

Carl rushed into the class in a hurry.

"Are you teaching is something new because we have few questions?"Chris started.

Carl looked at his brother and sighed.He must have felt something in Chris's manner.

He sat on the desk and looked at us.

"Why are you interviewing for Mediators?And who are they?"

Carl looked pale.

"How did you know?This was supposed to be a secret.Did you guys go to investigate or something?"

"Nah.Someone told Aria."

"Oh.So you met her.Its no big deal.Mediators are those who form a bridge between Projectors and Non Projectors.For so long only Projectors worked as Mediators.It was decided to give some selected Non Projectors a chance.And here we are."

"That answers Mediators question.What about your part in interview?"I asked him.

He shrugged.

"I am a Mediator."

"What?"We said in unison.

"You did not tell me."Chris asked with hurt in his voice.

"Frankly it was just a fill in kind of position.I could not tell because it must be kept secret.Seeing how you guys already know,I told you now.She should not have told you that.Majority of Projectors are kept in dark about Mediators existence."

"Why is that?"

"That's because projectors have a lot going on which they don't understand.And then when this information is spread some may think it is not right.Many people are elite here.And this is all kind of experimental.I hope this works."

"But still this must be not kept secret.What's your plan?Are you going to keep Mediators in seclusion?Are they not allowed to interact with projectors?"I asked.

"That's kind of the "learning plan".After graduating they would themselves know how to deal all kinds of situations."

"This is wrong."Chris muttered.

"We are trying.I mean Non Projectors were not given any positions which was fairly wrong but now that would change.I can see it.So yeah if change starts this way,I'm happy about it."

Well, that was not wrong.Change was inevitable.I hope it would not cause major problems.

"Let's start our class."

He certainly did not forget that.

"Let's start Mind Talking.You already know basics.Start reading.We will practice tomorrow."

He gave us handouts which were his notes.It was 2 pages long, and I did not plan on reading it.

"If you continue zoning out in the class,you will have problem in the practical tomorrow."Chris said.

We were walking towards the Centre building when he said this.

"What are you talking about?"I asked.

"You did not read the hand out.What will you do tomorrow if you have no idea ?It contained somewhat important information in the second page."

"In that case I will skip and read that page."

"You should always try before listening to others suggestions.Anyone can mislead you otherwise."

"I will read it later.Don't worry."

"Did you know the Memory Stone and the Paper had similar magical signature.It may be same even.I am not sure.Do you have the paper?We can check now."

"Good idea."

The building was swarming with students so it was great.We would not be disturbed.We sat on a bench near the back of the building.People did not use the back doors much.This was a favour.
I gave him the book.He placed the stone on the Paper.

"Do you feel it?It's faint."

It would have been nice if I knew what to look out for.I did not trace magic signatures.I tried to see but I could not get any feel.

"I can't trace anything."

"Well, it was faint before.I don't think it exists now which is kind of surprising.It fading this fast means many things.And each is very disturbing."

"Disturbing like What?"

"Like we are being observed."

"This all started when we got the stone.Maybe the stone is key."

"You are right.If we can seal it with our magic,it wouldn't work.How should we seal?"

I thought about that.Sealing something means focusing it's energy inwards so it wouldn't spread out.
I told him that.

"So if we try to imagine that,would that happen?"

"We could only try."

"You concentrate on holding the stone's energy inside and I will do the stopping part."

I nodded.
I thought it would be easy but it wasn't.It was like stopping a waterfall.I was about to break my concentration when he was done.

"Do you think it worked?"

"We can only know of we do not get any messages."

"We should seal the letter too then."

"The letter is a means.I don't think it has much role in this situation."

"Okay then.Its like blocking a person."

"Yeah.Its funny how we are blocking a person using magic."

"It's easy when we do it on phones.This just drains me and gives headache."

"That person would find other means to disturb us,I am sure.I am just confused.What is his motive?Because he went to great lengths to talk to us.Its not easy even.It must be something major."

"We will find it out sooner or later."

Author's note:
Thank you for reading :)
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