Seventy Six- Jealousy

Start from the beginning

Cassandra: Are you sure you're here because of the White family visiting?

Varian: The White family?

Cassandra: Helena White, a widow mother of two. William and Shanti. She, her children and Lisha, their aunt, are visiting here for the ball after the contest. What you are looking at is William.

Varian: That's the guy? (scoff) (watching them) He look like a ripoff of a prince. And his skin, what is he? Snow White? He can scare off the seven dwarfs.

Cassandra: (chuckle) You're so jealous.

(He turn to face her.)

Varian: I am not jealous! I am... uh...making a comment of him? I mean, Judy isn't really gonna dance with him, is she? She have stage fright when it comes to big crowds. She doesn't care for royal status and let be reasonable here, i mean, he's nothing but a totally ripoff.

(He turn around fast to watch them. William wrap his arms around Judy from behind. Varian growl in anger.)

Varian: I just wanna rip him to pieces and turn him into fertilizes for the crops.

Cassandra: That means you're jealous.

Varian: (face her) I am not jealous!

Cassandra: Uh, yeah you are. Otherwise what are you doing spying on Judy?

(Varian open his mouth to aurge at her, but close them when he realize she's right. Why else is he spying on the two? He look at the two, frowning.)

Varian: Okay, maybe I am jealous of him being close to Judy. What can I do?

Cassandra: That's up to you to decide Varian.

Announcer: Attention dancers, the contest is about to begin.

Cassandra: That's my cue. See you later Varian.

(She walk away from him to the contest. Varian watch her leave, then turning to watch Judy with William. What can he do? Then a thought came to him. No, no way. He doesn't want anything to do with this. But for Judy, he have to. At the dance contest, which is in the castle cortyard, judges are Rapunzel, Shorty and the captain of the guards. They watch each contestion dance solo and partner. They give their score at them, some are low and high, some are high and low. Then, it's Judy and William's turn.)

William: Are you ready my sugarbell?

Judy: Yeah, whatever. Let's get it over with.

(They lock hands, William smirk, but Judy roll her eyes. They dance the tango. William spin her around and close her closer, much to her disgust. They dance around while the judge watch them. Judy is starting to get nervous, with the kingdom watching them. William lift her up and dip her to finish the dance. The crowds cheer and the judge give their score. Rapunzel hold a nine, Shorty have upside down nine and the captain held a eight. William growl under his breath. Judy let out a sigh and walk away, but Willaim grab her wrist and grip it hard.)

William: Oh no you don't. We're doing this again.

Judy: But you only get one shot. I'm done.

William: You're done when I say you're done!

(Judy flinch at his voice. The crowd watch them,)

Voice: Hey! Let her go!

(They heard another voice. They look turn and see Varian coming to the courtyard. Judy widen her eyes. William raise a eyebrow.)

William: Who are you?

Varian: Varian, and you better respect the lady here.

William: If I don't?

Varian: Then I'm gonna have to dance fight you.

(It caught the crowds and the judge attention of this. William glare at him, as if he is crazy. Varian narrow his eyes at him. Varian stand on the middle, all eyes on him. Then, he danced. He dance to the side and jump with a kick in his step. Then he twirl around and landed on his feet. All are in awed of him. William glare at him. William grab Judy and they dance the watz, Judy look uncomfortable of this. Varian gridded his teeth at how William treated her. Judy lost her footing and bump into William. William grab Judy ruffliy and grip her hard, almost hurting her.)

William: Learn to be graceful! You are meant to be graceful!

Varian: Nobody insulted my angel.

(Varian grab Judy, but more gentler than William. Judy look at Varian, who is holding her gently. Then the two dance as they look at each other eyes. Judy smile at him as he twirl around and move around hand in hand. After a while, they end their dance with their fingers entwined. The crowd applauded loud, the judge give the two a perfect ten ten. Judy and Varian both smile at each other. Judy hug him, making him blushed. He hug her back. William growl under his breathe.)

William: Don't count on this victory Varian. Cause I will beat you.

Varian: This isn't a game, not when you dragged Judy into this. She is not a prize to win.

(William glare at him in jealous hate. Varian glare back.)

Helena: William. Come on now!

William: Coming...mother.

(He turn around, before sending another glare at Varian and walk away. Once he is out and away, Varian turn to face Judy.)

Varian: Are you okay Jude?

Judy: Yeah. thanks for stepping up for me.

Varian: (Blushing) It's...uh.. It's nothing, really.

Rapunzel: Congratulation you two, you are the contest winner. And you two will be the guest of honer for our ball.

Varian: Actully, I think I'm pooped out from the dancing.

Judy: Yeah, same here. I rather go do alchemy than go to a ball.

Varian: You m'lady, are speaking my laungege.

(The two walk away as they laughed and talked. Rapunzel watch them leaving, she wonder why Varian would take part in the contest if he doesn't want to dance. Cassandra walk to her.)

Rapunzel: Uh..Cassandra. Why did he join if he doesn't want to dance?

Cassandra: Oh. Well, he got a little jealous that White son was with Judy.

(Rapunzel etes widen at this, then she smile of this.)

Rapunzel: I see.

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