A Meeting

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Wendy healed the cuts that the knives had made in their skin, but the words they had etched still shone. Wendy tried to make the words disappear, but try as she might, she just couldn't do it.

"Thank you Wendy, now if you don't mind, I need a word alone with these four." Makarov said, Wendy nodded and hesitantly left the room, leaving Makarov and the four mages alone.

"I'm terribly sorry this happened girls.. I'll make sure it won't happen again." Makarov promised, Lucy looked at him sadly, "Lucy.. is something wrong?"

"Master.. try as you might you can't solve everything.. they may let up for a day or two but not forever..." Lucy said softly, "that's why... that's why I'm leaving Fairy Tail.." she looked at him, small tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Luce is right.." Levy mumbled, "they won't stop.. that's why I'm leaving as well." She told him.

"Juvia will go as well, Juvia cannot stay where she is not wanted." She smiled sadly at Makarov who stared at the three mages in shock.

"I'll be going as well." Erza spoke up, Makarov stared at them all sadly, but he understood.

"My children.. I truly am sorry they pushed you to this point.." he said softly and earnestly, "But I will not argue with your decision.." he smiled at them with tears forming in his eyes.

"We'll miss you so much Master.." Lucy sniffled as the three other mages nodded in agreement, "I think I speak for everyone when I say you're like a father to us.."

"I'm happy I got the opportunity to be one." He held Lucy's hand, she watched as her and the others guild marks disappeared, leaving only the scars.

"Will you be telling the others of your decision?" Makarov asked them, "they'll certainly be concerned when you just vanish from my office."

"Tell them... tell them our decision, they'll understand why we've chosen to leave.." Levy said, "we don't have time to say goodbye to everyone.."

"Yes we-" Juvia began but was stopped by the door swinging open to reveal Happy and Pantherlily eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Lucy.. you can't just leave me!" Happy cried, "I don't wanna stay here with Natsu!" He told her, Lucy looked at him in shock, "he's changed since the GMG.. he's not who he used to be.."

"Okay. Okay Happy.. you.. you can come with me." Lucy smiled at the small exceed, "I won't stop you." Happy hugged her and cried into her stomach.

"I would also like to accompany Levy." Pantherlily said, "Fairy Tail is no longer the place my king spoke of, Levy is kind though, unlike the guild." He said seriously, Levy sighed at the exceed, she picked him up and hugged him.

"Just admit it.. you would've missed me." She told him.

"No! It's just.. just.." he sniffled, "I would've missed you." He said hesitantly hugging the bluette back.

"Then I guess it's decided, Master, Happy and Pantherlily will join us." Erza said, Makarov nodded and erased the guild marks from the exceeds's back.

"It feels strange to no longer have a guild mark." Pantherlily pointed out rubbing at his back.

"Yeah.. you're right." Juvia said, looking at where her guild mark once shone.

"Juvia thinks we should be going. We don't have all—" She started to say, but was cut off by a bright flash, and before they knew it, the six former fairies were no longer in Makarov's office. But somewhere else.. although they didn't know where.

"Lucy Heartfilia. Levy McGarden. Juvia Lockser. Erza Scarlet." A loud voice boomed which caused the ground to shake, "you four have been chosen to wield the elemental powers of the gods." The voice boomed.

"What!?" Levy exclaimed looking around for wherever the voice came from, "powers of gods!?" She said in disbelief.

"Yes, the elemental powers of gods." The voice boomed again, another bright flash of light appeared, and when it was gone ten figures stood in front of them.

"We are the gods who will be teaching you." One of them said, he had a long white beard and a seashell crown, "my name is Poseidon. I will, along with Oceanus, be teaching Juvia Lockser."

"I am Gaea." A beautiful lady spoke, she had long green hair and a flowery dress, "I, along with Hades, will be teaching Levy McGarden our power." She smiled sweetly and gestured at a man who seemed to be made of shadows.

"We are the Anemoi!" Four of the figures spoke, the seemed to wear clothes spun of clouds, "we will be teaching Lucy Heartfilia our power!"

"And I am Hephaestus." The last one said, he had a fiery beard and many burns across his arms, "I will, along with Anchiale, will be teaching Erza Scarlet my power."

"Wait, the power of what?" Lucy asked them confused.

"Water." Oceanus and Poseidon said.

"Earth." Hades and Gaea added.

"Air!" The Anemoi told her.

"Fire." Hephaestus and Anchiale said.

"The powers of the Elements!" All of them said together, their voices boomed and seemed to come from everywhere at once.

"Do you accept?" They all asked, the four looked at each other uncertain, the first to answer though was Levy.

"I accept." She said determined, Gaea smiled at her.

"Juvia accepts!" She said nervously.

"I accept as well." Erza said confidently.

"As do I." Lucy smiled.

"Good. Now say your goodbyes, you won't see each other for another five years!" Anchiale told them.

They looked at each other sadly before hugging and saying goodbye, each wishing the others good luck in learning their magic.

And one by one they disappeared, first Juvia, Oceanus, and Poseidon.

Then Levy, Pantherlily, Gaea, and Hades.

Thirdly, Erza, Hephaestus, and Anchiale.

And lastly, Lucy, Happy, and the Anemoi.

Each determined to learn new magic, and be stronger than ever before!

Yay, the second part! Hope you all enjoyed it! If you didn't.. well.. idk.

If you did enjoy the story make sure you stay tuned for the next part! (Which may or may not be them training idk yet. I might just time skip five years until they've learned all their magic)

Thanks for reading!

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