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Steve POV

I wake up to something moving in my arms. I open my eyes and see Emily thrashing around with her eyes still closed. I looked at the clock on the wall that displayed the time as 3:40 in the morning. I look back at Emily and see that she is crying. I get off the couch and pick her up in my arms. I walk into her room and place her on her bed. "Emily, wake up, EMILY" I said whilst shaking her awake.

She opened her eyes with a scream and leaped out of bed shivering. She looked around the room and then she looked at me and bursted into tears. The door swings open and Darry, Pony , and Soda run into the room.

"Hey what's wrong what happened" said Darry with worry laced into his voice. "I.... I had a bad dream" Emily said in between sobs. "I need to get out of here" she says in a frantic voice. She starts to shake uncontrollably and falls to the floor.

I rush to her side and pick her up. "Steve help me" she cried with fear in her eyes. "I someone get Dally. I need Dally" she cried into my shoulder.

"Hey it's ok baby. It's ok. Just breath" I say to her trying to calm her down. I walk into the living room and place her on the couch. I take her hands in mine and kiss her forehead.

I get up and walk over to Darry and Soda while Pony tired to comfort Emily. "Dally is on his way" said Soda.

"What's going on Darry" I asked getting really worried. "I have no idea Steve, I've never seen her like this before" says Darry looking over my shoulder.

"Should we get the doctor" asks Soda looking quickly between Darry and I. "We don't have the money for that Soda and you know that" sighs Darry.

I look back at Emily and Pony and see that she is starting to calm down a bit. That's when Dally runs into the house and Emily jumps up and runs to him.

Dallas POV

I wake up to the screaming of the phone next to my bed. I growl and roll over to answer the phone. "What" I say but before I could say thing think else I hear " something's wrong with Emily you need to come down here quick" after that the phone went dead.

I jump out of bed and quickly get dressed almost forget to put on shoes and run out the door. I run all the way to the house and I see all the lights on. I burst in and see Darry, Soda , and Steve all looking worried in the corner and Emily and Pony on the couch.

When she saw me she jumped up and ran into my arms. She was sobbing and shaking like she used to do when she was little. "Dallas what's going on" says Steve as he walks up to me. I put a finger to my mouth telling him to shut up and wrap my arms around E.

"It's ok Emily. Remember your breathing. In for five seconds and out for ten seconds. It's ok nothing is going to get you" I say as I rub circles on her back. After a few minutes she calms down and sits back on the couch.

I sigh and walk over to the guys. "She has had these  anxiety attacks ever since I found her. Her body goes into full panic mode and she can't get out of it" I say looking at Steve.

"If it ever happens and I can't be here you have to be able to calm her down or she will only get worse. You have to help her breath man" I say and look bad at Emily.

"Look" I say as I lower my voice. "Now that she knows about her past and all of this danger her anxiety is going to be bad. So either she comes and stays with me or I come and stay here. But for now I need to go back to bed" at that I walk over and give E a hug and walk back to Bucs.

Steve POV
I walk over to Emily and hold her on my arms. I kiss the top of her head and ask her if she wants to go back to bed. She nods her head yes and we walk into her room. I close the door and take off my shirt and climb into bed next to her.

She turns to look at me with a sad smile and snuggles up next to me. She quickly fell asleep while I brushed her hair with my fingers. I look down at the sleeping girl next to me and smile.

She is the one that I want to marry one day. To start a family with and to grow old together. I slowly fade into sleep with the idea of a future with her.

The Greaser Girl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon