Chapter Eighteen

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- 1 month later -

We all came back to Rood & Riddle exactly a month later. Nicole was excited as ever to see her favorite filly. None of us have seen Emily since the night we left. We haven't bothered Charles at all. Jack was practically shaking with excitement, Michael was sitting next to Nicole laughing at her as she rambled on about how excited she was. I parked our truck across the street from the Equine Hospital and we all walked in and stopped at the front desk.

"Hi, how may I help you sir?" The woman said.

"We're here to see Emily The First." I said, the woman smiled.

"Go to barn A, and let me tell you a secret." she said and I leaned closer. "She's in the barn for most improved Nathan." I smiled and motioned everyone to follow. We saw barn A instantly and found Charles with another horse.

"Welcome back Nathan." Charles shook my hand and smiled. "Your filly has improved a lot. Not enough to let her go yet, but she is improved." He said, then he handed his clip board to his assistant and we followed him to Emily. "There's your filly." He pointed to the big chestnut filly that we were in love with, and Nicole and Michael ran to her. Emily pricked her ears forward when she saw them, and whinnied to them and pranced in her stall. Me and Jack follows after them.

"Hey girl! How are you doing? You look as beautiful as ever." Nicole said before hugging her big neck. Michael scratched between her ears and she loved it. Charles followed me and Jack to the stall. When Emily saw us she kicked and tossed her head in excitement. I stopped in front of her.

"People miss you sweet girl, I hope you know that. Your fans, miss you big time. Pretty soon you'll be back on the track and kicking butt again." I said smiling at her and pet her big cheek.

"She still has to fully recover, her colic seems to be gone now. She's a happy, healthy filly. We have took her for strolls with some of the other horses, and usually she's the one prancing and kicking and wanting to run. We haven't let her into a paddock yet, we are saving that for when she gets back to her original wight. But if she keeps doing what she does, she could be out of here by Mid-February." I smiled at Charles. Emily was almost back to normal. I mean her personality is back, but she's not physically back to normal. She lost a few pounds battling colic. But now she's bigger - slightly - and happy.

It was good to hear. Our girl still has her spirit to run. I looked to Jack.

"Oaks bound we are Jack." Jack smiled and hugged me.

"Definitely." I smiled, and we turned to Charles.

"Actually," Charles looked to the paper next to Emily's stall and smiled. "she could leave here in about 2 and a half weeks. So come back then. She only about 30 pounds away from her weight, cause we checked today." 

Nicole jumped around with joy. "Oh my god Nathan, our girl is coming home! We shall show the world of the becoming of a Queen! I mean look at her! She's bigger, stronger, more muscled and with a few works she could be back in top form in no time!" I laughed, she's so hyped about this.

"Woah, Nicole, let's not get a head of ourselves just yet." I said as I grabbed her shoulders, she nodded and turned back to Emily. "So two weeks Charles. Let's hope our girl can be fully recovered then." 

"Let's hope." He said and smiled at me and Jack.

Through The Dirt and Fame (major revisions)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें