Chapter Twelve

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-Spinaway day, Saratoga Race Course-

"15 minutes to post!" it was a hot day at Saratoga, Emily was sweating in the paddock due to the heat today at Saratoga, luckily the other competing fillies were slightly sweating as well.

"Nicole." She looked to Jack expectantly. "You know what to do." She smiled and got a leg up on to Emily from him, then started to leave the paddock with Michael leading the two.

"They got this." I said.

"Yes. I didn't say much to Nicole, just to watch Res Hot Rose and Monarcha." I nodded and started listening to the racing analysis' comment on the contenders. 

"Let's review the field. The one Deep Waters the big gray filly that has won 4 out of 9 - could definitely be a factor in the race. Owning post two is, I'll Be Diane has won 0 out of 4 starts, the filly has no chance at winning from my view, can't imagine it. She is from the same stable as the favorite, Emily The First, but no real graded talent. Filly number three is Red Hot Rose, this filly will be putting some pressure on Emily early in the race. Endless amount of speed, honestly. Then of course, Emily The First, who has been on one hot streak lately, breaking track record left and right. No question she will easily win today. Finally, the five is the late comer Monarcha, coming in off the claim she actually could be the first to beat the 'super filly' Emily."

Jack and I walked up to the stands and waited for the fillies to be in the gates and ready to go.

"I'm more worried about Monarcha than Red Hot Rose, she is trained by Emily who is a amazing trainer around here. She usually claims good horses too she, got three more horses recently." Jack looked at me as if to say 'shut up'.

"We're fine Nathan, she will win and it will be impressive. She's a great horse, she's going straight to Breeders Cup after this so a good quality rest after." 

I gave an awkward smiled and looked to the track, the fillies were almost to the gates. Emily was galloping up alone, she hated being escorted places - unless if it was a person, but another horse is a big nope. 

-Nicole's Point of View-

Emily was calmer coming in the gate, she was famous for being a bit feisty. I was a bit uneasy about her being calm for once before the race.

"Hope the filly don't flip out while in the gates señorita." I nodded in agreement to the comment the gate worker made.

Red Hot Rose and Monarcha loaded in on both sides of me. Then as soon as those two were calm and in. Emily lost it. She started slightly rearing back and I had to jump off, then hop out of the gate while they took Emily out and walked her around checking her for any scratches, while that happened the other fillies loaded in.

"She's good to run!" The on track vet yelled to me and I hopped back on her back. The gate worker led Emily in and we waited for the start.


The gates smacked open and Emily lunged forward and bolted in front of Red Hot Rose and I'll Be Diane. She was in control and set for the wire. I couldn't tell how fast she was going but she was going faster than I had felt her go before. I looked back and saw I'll Be Diane about 4 lengths behind us. Just as I looked forward I saw the 5 furlong pole, she was going fast and is determined to continue to go fast. As we closed on the turn for home, I could hear the crowd cheering and yelling from the backstretch, I smiled to myself quickly as I listened to them.

I heard hooves closing on us, I looked to see who, it was Red Hot Rose and Monarcha. Emily knew too cause she flicked her ears back and slowed. She was going to play with her field. Smart. I let Emily do that while Monarcha came up beside us and Red Hot Rose inside of us. The three of us were locked at the 3 furlong pole and I slid my hands up and put my whip in my right hand and started chirping to Emily and her ears shot forward and left Red Hot Rose and Monarcha at the top of the stretch. I whipped her once and she responded with a burst of speed and I just hand rode her the whole way home. Past the wire and Emily was a winner by far.

-Nathan's Point of View-

"Yes! Yes! She did it! She broke the record and demolished the field!" Jack yelled. 

The final time was 1:04.89 Diane and Rose were a distant 15 lengths behind. This was her most dominant performance in her career, so far, I couldn't have been more happy about it. Immediately I ran down the the winners circle with Jack to greet and greet our winners.

"You did it! We're off to Breeders Cup!" I yelled as I grabbed hold of Emily's bridle and planted a big kiss on her nose.

"Oh she did amazing, we got a smart girl here." Nicole pat Emily's drenched neck, and posed for the winning photo.

As we stood, smiling like a bunch of idiots for the photo, I thought of one thing:

The Breeders Cup.

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