Oh the Places You'll Go

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I wake that burning, a small sun beam shining on my slightly tanned skin. The sun beam escaping through a crack between the blanket and window frame. I squint my beautiful green eyes and turn to look at the two men, one I had just made out with hours before. Who knows what would have happened if Mick hadn't woken up. That was a mistake. I think to myself clasping my hands over my face.

I roll over and decide to get up. I stand up and quietly put my boots on, tucking my jeans into them. I run my fingers through my short hair the large curls lingering on the tips of my fingers. I tie my hair into a tight short french braid, then after cleaning and sharpening my blade upstairs so Mick and Cass won't hear me. I then quietly sneak out the back door in the kitchen. I enter the backyard which face the back of another. When I was younger I hated living in suburban neighborhoods like this.

The people were always to snobby and I could never make any friends with the prissy girls that lived near me. I ended up making friends with guys until high school where I met girls like me. Ones who wanted to get hands on and go paint balling. While other girls got there nails done at salons or dated football players. My school was cliche like that. Though there were some decent people. My junior year I met this girl and she was way smarter than me, all A student. After weeks of trying to convince me I finally caved into getting my nails done. I had complained the whole time I had them but secretly I loved them.

I walk around the house and look down the street that leads into town. It reminded me of the first place I had moved to after my parents got divorced. There had to be a supermarket nearby. The only thing I worry about is if there are more zombies than I can handle and there not be a roadmap even there. I scope the street out and it seems quiet.

It reminds me of a movie where the music would drop and everything would become silent this revealing the antagonist behind the protagonist ready to kill him or her. I look around once more and don't see any Z's. A few scattered out appearing in windows then disappearing but other than that nothing. I walk back into the house and as I enter the living room I notice Cass and Mick are still asleep. I roll my eyes and drop my machete onto the kitchen tiles across the hall. Cass jumps and pulls out his knife while Mick still lays asleep.

"What the hell?" Cass asks looking up at me.

"Sorry, it's probably about noon. Get up." I say to him.

"Mick? Up." Cass says shaking him. Mick stirs but not waking up.

How did this man survive this long? I think to myself.

"Mick!" I yell loud enough to make him open his eyes. He stretches them stares up at me.

"What?" He asks sounding like a child when their mother wakes them up for school.

"Get up, its time to go search for a map." I say looking down at him.

I then walk over to my bag as he stretches and groans. Cass does the same but without the angry muttering under his breath. As I wait for the two to get ready I check the cabinets and pantry and like I expected they were empty. I jog up the stairs and walk into the room where the foul smelling corpses lay. I walk to the closet and knock on it for safe measure. Not a sound. I open it to find almost all they clothing has disappeared.

I look a the shirts on the woman's side. They are all dress shirts and the men's shirts are also work shirts. I go to the dresser and look inside to find underwear. I grimace at the peach colored undergarments. I look in another drawer and find pajamas. I chuckle at Sponge bob pajama pants. Closing that drawer I open the last which holds several pairs of jeans. I collect them all and bring them down stairs. They are all men jeans and I throw them at Cass and Mick.

"Look what I found." I say smiling.

"Jeans." Mick says smiling.

"Do you think they will fit you guys?" I ask they both look at them then head up the stairs.

They both come down stairs with a new pair of pants on.

"Cool." I say looking at them.

"The rest were either to tight or to short." Mick says smiling.

The jeans look to be a little worn but better than the rags they were wearing. I look at Mick who looks a little uncomfortable in the jeans obviously not used to the fabric. I laugh thinking about when my mom used to make my brother go pants shopping. He absolutely hated it.

"What?" Mick says, all I can think is that accent. Damn.

"Oh, nothing you remind me of my brother when he try's on new pants." I say smiling.

"Oh yea, I'm not used to jeans." He says chuckling.

"Okay lets get going." I say waving and all three of us walk out the front door.

I look at ghost town as we walk away from the suburban house. I look to the distance and actually think see a tumbleweed roll across the street. We walk silently, staying vigilant, weapons in hand. We make a couple streets and see our first grocery store. I nod to it and Mick and Cass both look at it and nod too. We walk towards the market which's doors are wide opens. We make it to the front doors and Mick goes in first, all three of us making sure we are careful where we step. Mick whistles from the front of the store. After thirty seconds he whistles again. The store is still silent.

It's small, like between a Kroger and a CVS. We all split up to see if we can find anything. I grab a shopping cart and so do Cass and Mick. We go separate ways and I head towards the guest services. It's completely empty besides pamphlets for random places and foods. I then make my way to the home section of the store. As I walk there I see Mick scanning the isles looking at canned foods. I get to the home section where I find Cass looking at a few lanterns left on a shelf. He hears me approach and looks up taking out his knife. He then realizes it's just me and sighs.

"Hey about last night-"

"No it's okay. I got a little out of hand and I shouldn't have." Cass says cutting me off.

"Yea, it's for the best. We probably shouldn't get to attached." I laugh a little nervously. My heart a little crushed, but then hardens as I push the feelings away.

"Yea." He says looking at the lanterns.

"So have you found anything useful yet?" I ask.

"Only these." He says putting them in the cart. I nod and casually walk towards him. He is now and standing and looks at me. My heart pounds. I want him. No matter how much I have told myself the last ten hours that last night was a mistake. Deep down I want this.

He smirks at me and inches closer to me. I take another step toward him, my chest brushing right under his. He brings a hand up to my face and brushes my hair out of my face. I look into his beautiful blue eyes as looks into my green ones. For a second every worry I have ever had fades away. He leans down and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back bringing my hands up to his hairs as he holds my waist with one arm and his other hand holding my chin. We pull away and look at him. I smile at him and he smiles back. My hands slide down to his shirt and I slowly let go and walk away smiling.

I walk down a few more isles, I find bottles of water and a few energy drinks. I then go to the isle where the tooth care products are. I get all the toothpaste I can find and also grab as many tooth brushes I can find, since I am low on them. I think go to another isle where I find some books. I grab a few and even a couple coloring books. I find crayons and grab those too.

Most of the store is empty and when I'm done looking I go to the front where Mick is waiting. He has combs and brushes in his basket, and a lot of canned foods plus extra backpacks. A couple minutes minutes later Cass comes to the front with the lanterns, flashlights, matches, and lighters. I smile at all the stuff. This is the luckiest we have been on this whole trip.

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