As he finished speaking and glaring into my eyes Montague, Ginny and Fred walked towards us.  

'Well you all know why you are here, im sure' Dumbledore said to us. We nodded. 'Very well, off you go, you're return journey will be on the 14th of November at 11'o'clock on platform 9 and 3/4, I hope you learn you're lesson while you are gone, not to use violence in Hogwarts because it resolves in this or worse' Dumbledore kept his eyes on me the whole time he spoke.  

'Follow me then' Snape said looking unpleasantly bitter 'Montague and Riddle on my left side Weasley's on my right, we don't want any more trouble now do we?'  

We walked all the way to the Hogwarts Express in the space of 20 minutes in complete silence.  

'Oh Miss Riddle I amost forgot' Snape said suddenly as I stepped on to the train with the others 'Your wand please?' he demanded  

I tilted my head at him in confusion.  

'Your wand I want you're wand Dumbledore's orders, hand it over now' he said his expression blank. I stared at him for a moment then pulled my wand out of my back pocket and chucked it violently at him but he managed to catch it. 'I shall see you in London' he said.  

I swore at him in pastletounge then stormed of to an empty compartment. I slammed open the door and slammed it shut again. I sat down in one of the long seats and said 'accio wand' nothing happened. I groaned and lent back watching outside as the train moved faster and faster. I watched a hill in the distance and a black cloaked figure was standing on it. I edged close to the window and strained to see the figure's face but it was to far to make visible. I stared for a moment longer then gave up on trying to figure out who it was. The first hour on the train passed in silence i was watching another hill and the same figure appeared on it as I fell asleep I watched the figure disappear into the darkness.

I woke up as the train pulled to a stop at a bright white station. The sign platform 9 3/4 made me stand up and walk to get my trunk. I saw Fred and Ginny depart the train and their mother shout at them. I pulled my trunk off the train with Rollo my owl. I saw Snape standing waiting for me away from the Wesley's.  

They all gave me evil glares as I walked passed them. 'Hurry up Pandora I'm on a schedule' Snape snapped at me.  

I glared at him and walked faster 'well I am the one carrying the trunk Severus so what do you expect?' I shot back at him.  

'Give them here' he snatched the trunk and Rollo from me 'we are apperating to mine hold tight onto my arm. I hesitated and dug my nails into his robes. He didn't seam to notice. There was a sudden rush of heavy wind on my face and we were inside his house.  

'Wormtail' Snape called as he dropped my trunk onto the floor. A scurrying noise came from the hall and into the room. A rat like man came in as he saw me he bowed.  

'Pandora shall be staying here for the next two weeks, don't ask questions, do as she tells you to, I will be checking up on her every evening at 4'o'clock ' Snape said 'If I find that you are causing her any inconvenience, I will personally make sure you die a painful death' he said bitterly. I looked over at the clock it was 6:25am. 'Pandora i set up a room for you it's up the stairs turn right and it's the end door, well I better be off see you later' he said. There was a loud crack and he was gone.  

'Miss Pandora, Is there anything i can get for you?' Wormtail asked his lip quivering as my red eyes met his pale grey ones.  

'No, actually yes- no- no, I'll get it myself' I was starving. I walked to the kitchen where their was a a fridge filled with food and it had been enchanted so Wormtail couldn't get in by the looks of it. I swung it open and helped myself to some eggs, even though I hate eggs I ate 3 eggs (cooked of course). Half an hour later of searching Snape shelves full of potion making books for something interesting like a dark arts book I rushed to the toilet because I felt like I was going to be sick. When I had finished being sick I felt hungry again. I walked into the kitchen and took some biscuits out of a tin and ate them slowly. I walked back into Snape's library like room and in the back of the dark room in the shadows their was a very dusty section. It reminded my of the restricted section in Hogwarts which I had taken I quick look at before. I walked to the back and picked up a book that looked like it had been thrown from the shelve. On the spine it said 'Dangerous and Dark Magic' It looked as though it had never been opened. I opened the book into the middle. The pages were blank i flicked through it and all the pages were blank apart from the very last page which read 'Pandora, stay out of the dark magic books' I groaned and dropped the book and picked up another one which on the spine said 'Evil Magic' The pages were all empty apart from the last which had the same words written in it. I slammed the book onto the floor and walked out of the Library. The sick feeling came back and I rushed to the toilet and vomited just in time over the toilet.  

Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now