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"I can't believe I have to share a bed with the likes of you."

Hanzo stared at the queen-sized bed in disgust, his nose wrinkling up slightly. "Not to mention it's a worn, hotel bed."

The cowboy next to him snickered softly and started walking around the room. "C'mon, Han, it ain't that bad." He sat down on the bed and it creaked loudly. The Asian couldn't help but wince.

"'Sides, this is the price ya pay when ya go undercover. One-star hotels on the outskirts of Southern India just t' avoid Talon's eye."

Humming in acknowledgement, the ravenet cautiously approached the bed. "I still don't understand why we need to watch out for Talon in this operation."

"Simple." Jesse flicked his lighter on and lit his cigar. The archer nervously watched the thin, flannel blanket as he spoke. "One of Vishkar's leaders works for Talon. Since Talon likes to watch us closely and vise versa, we gotta keep a low profile."

At this point, the Southerner had kicked off his boots and was laying down, his hands behind his head. "Any other questions for me, darlin'?"

Begrudgingly, the Shimada sat on the edge of the bed. "A few, yes."

McCree tilted his hat down so it was hiding his eyes. "Fire away."

"One, why couldn't I have shared a room with my brother?"

"'Cause Lucio really wanted t' room with 'im. Plus I'd take you over Mister Optimistic anyway."

"Okay..." Hanzo had started tugging at his shoes. "Two, why is Lucio with us again?"

"'Cause he's infiltrated Vishkar before, and I'll be damned if he can't do it again."

"Fair enough." His hands went to his hair and he took his bun down. His hair tumbled around his shoulders as he spoke. "And three: You do realize this room has no heating and there's a blizzard going on outside, right?"

This time, the brunet didn't answer. When the archer glanced over at him, he noticed how flustered the gunslinger was and how he was staring at his hair. His hat had fallen off the bed, unnoticed. "No, that... Hadn't occurred t' me..."

Rolling his eyes, the Asian slipped under the covers and momentarily shivered. He tried to ignore the lovestruck look on the other's face as they both curled up in the blankets. A moment later, the light was turned out.

They stayed on their sides of the bed for a while, listening to the hail on the roof and trying to fall asleep. Eventually, the cold started to bite and them and make them shiver.

Without thinking, Hanzo rolled over towards Jesse and started to cuddle with him. He felt a flare of heat come from the cowboy and moved even closer.

"H... Han? What're you doin'?" His voice was high and nervous.

Preserving heat..." he mumbled quietly. All his repulsive thoughts towards McCree disappeared in that moment.

A few seconds passed before the southerner relaxed.

"I will admit, you're pretty warm..." The two slowly relaxed into each other, faintly realizing how well their bodies fit together. Minutes later, they managed to drift off to sleep, cradled in each other's arms.


Edit: Forgot to mention this was requested by psivytayche! Thanks for the request!

Arrows and Bullets | McHanzo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now