Bonus Scenarios for "Supernatural Superstition"

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I had to, I love this AU so much. There's ten different scenarios, and they all sorta tie in with one another. Enjoy!


"Hey, who's that?"

McCree jumped, surprised to see his coworker, Mei, standing beside his desk. He instinctively went to hide the camera, but decided against it.

"Who? Him?" He motioned at the current picture he had on it. It was the picture he had taken of Hanzo before he had possessed the camera. He was in his human form in the picture, and he looked kind of edgy in it.

When she nodded, he simply shrugged. "Oh, just my boyfriend. We've been goin' out for a little while..."

Mei smiled sweetly. "Cute," she murmured, starting to walk off. "Be careful, though. Reyes doesn't want us having personal photos on those."

"Yeah, yeah..." he muttered, watching her go. He looked back at the camera, surprised to see a message there.

"Aw, how cute. You think of me as your boyfriend."

"You should recognize a cover-up when you hear one," Jesse whispered, trying to act busy. He spared a glance back at the camera, seeing a new message.

"What a tragedy, I thought you cared about me."

"I do. And if you want to, you can be my boyfriend."

He waited a little while before checking the screen. This time, the message was shorter and more sincere.

"... Really?"

"'Course." He stopped talking for a moment, seeing a coworker walk by his desk. After a moment, he continued. "'Sides, we've already confessed our feelings. Why not make it official?"


"You'd date a demon?"

"I have to work with 'em, why not date one as well?"

"That is the worst logic I've ever heard, and I'm accepting solely because of it."

He laughed quietly. "You know you love me..."


Mei watched over his shoulder in awe as he scrolled through the photos. They were all of his boyfriend, doing adorable or attractive things. She shook her head and sighed.

"What did I tell you about personal photos? Reyes us gonna kill you if he finds those."

The cowboy bit his lip, thinking to himself, "He'd be a little more mad if he found out the guy in the pictures is a demon I'm dating."


Whenever Jesse got home, his camera would do the same, worrisome thing. The screen would flicker black and white, and the camera itself would shake. A bright flash would follow, and he would shield his eyes.

When he could see again, he'd blink the spots away and see Hanzo before him, usually in his human form. The Oni had developed a habit of pulling the brunet in for a sloppy kiss right after he escaped the camera. The other was usually too tired to care, and would kiss back just as sloppily.

Everytime they pulled away (if they hadn't made it to the couch first), Hanzo would mutter something along the lines of "God, I needed that."


Going on dates made the demon extremely nervous. He was always worried he'd get caught or, worse, damned. McCree would try to convince him that wouldn't happen, but he'd always still be skeptical.

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