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The sound of footsteps echoed through the hall, followed by mumbling. Jesse McCree stalked down the hallway, annoyed that he had left his serape in the Shimada's room. Hell, he'd forget his own head if it wasn't attached to him.

He scanned the names above the rooms, looking for one name in particular.

"Lena... Jamison... Angela... ah, there it is," he thought, stopping in front of the door labelled 'Genji'. With an exhausted sigh, he knocked on the door.

"Hey, Gengoo, you in there?" The cowboy asked, listening for a response. He heard irritated grumbling from the other side and decided to knock again.

"I know you're in there," he muttered, glaring at the closed door. He heard shuffling coming from the inside and watched as the door slid open. What he saw before him left him speechless.

It wasn't Genji who answered the door, but his brother, Hanzo. The older Shimada had his hair down, flowing past his shoulders. What was even more bizarre was the fact he had a hairbrush stuck in his hair. Jesse blinked, surprised.

"My brother is not here at the moment. If you wish, I can tell him that you stopped by."

It took the southerner a moment to regain his composure. "No, no, it's fine. I jus' need to-"

"If you couldn't tell, I'm very busy at the moment," the ravenet interrupted. "Now if you will excuse me-"

"I jus' left somethin' in here the other day. Lemme jus' grab it real quick and I'll be outta yer hair."

Hanzo ignored the obvious pun and searched McCree's face to see if he was sincere. Finally, he let out a begrudged sigh and rolled his eyes, opening the door further. "Fine, but make it quick."

The brunet flashed him a quick smile and stepped inside. "Thank ya kindly," he said as he walked past, making a beeline for the last place he saw his scrape, the couch. Behind him, he heard the archer mutter something under his breath and walk off.

When Jesse reached the couch, he immediately started looking for his beloved cloak. You'd think the red article of clothing would stand out in such a dull room, but sadly it didn't. Irritated, he started searching in other places.

After a good ten minutes of tearing up the living room looking for it, he went to check the only place he hadn't: Genji's bedroom, the room Hanzo was in. The gunslinger cautiously approached the room, hoping he didn't piss the other off. Inhaling sharply, he slowly walked in.

"Hey Hanzo, have ya seen my-"

He paused, taking in the sight before him. There was Hanzo, swearing under his breath as he tugged at his hair with the brush. Hairbrushes combs, and detanglers were strewn around the bed, and across the Asian's lap was McCree's serape. After a moment, the cowboy chuckled to himself. "Well I'll be..."

The bowman finally noticed the other's presence and sighed. "I thought you left already," he said in an annoyed tone.

Jesse found himself leaning again the doorframe. "I would've left sooner if I'd've known ya had my serape."

Hanzo glanced down at the red cloth in his lap. "This?" he asked, motioning towards it. "I thought it was just a spare blanket."

"Well it's not," the brunet muttered. "An' I need it back."

The other male raised an eyebrow at this. "Who said I was done using it? It is cold in here..."

McCree growled in response and crossed his arms. "Well, when can I get it back?"

The older Shimada shrugged, stroking the red cloak. "Maybe you'll get it back sooner if you assist me with something."

"Take me to dinner first, Han," the southerner joked. A small feeling of triumph cam over him as the archer blushed.

"Not like that, you pervert," Hanzo stated, unamused. "I need you to get this knot out of my hair."

He tried to tug the brush out of his hair, but his attempt was fruitless. Tired and frustrated, Jesse walked over and sat behind him. "If it'll get my serape back..." he thought to himself, untangling the brush from Hanzos dark hair. To his surprise, the Shimada's hair was soft. And thick. The cowboy found himself running his fingers through it in awe.

"Are you just going to play with it, or are you going to fix it?" The man in front of him growled impatiently. Snapping out if his thoughts, McCree stopped toying with the hair and picked up the brush. "You're lucky I know how to do hair..." he said bitterly as he started combing through it.

Minutes passed, turning into hours. The gunman worked the knits out of Hanson's hair effortlessly, only pulling too hard on rare occasions. The ravenet wouldn't admit it, but he liked the feeling of Jesse's hands in his hair. He figured this would be a bad time to tell the brunet he liked him, especially since he was so vulnerable.

As if on cue, the southerner tugged a little too hard at a knot, causing Hanzo to hiss in pain. "Motherfucking stupid sexy ass cowboy!" he said aloud.

"Sorry 'bout that- wait a minute," McCree said, finally realizing what was said. "Did you jus' call me a sexy ass cowboy?"

"No!" The older Shimada denied hastily. "And you forgot the stupid," he added, trying to ignore the heat rushing to his cheeks.

Jesse chuckled softly at this. "Damn Han, sexy is a strong word..." He continued running the brush through the other's hair. "I'd of went with cute first. Y'know, the word the describes you right now."

The archer felt his face getting hotter. "Just- shut up and brush my hair," he grumbled.

"To be honest with ya, I've been done with yer hair for a while now," the cowboy confessed. "I jus' like how soft it is."

Hanzo's face was brought red at this point. Too flustered to do anything else, he moved away from McCree and threw the brunet's serape at him. The cloth hit him in the face and Hanzo had to hold back a laugh. He managed to speak through his snickers. "Sure, sure. Well, the deed is done. You may go now."

The southerner pulled the red cloak off his face, a playful smirk on his lips. "Kickin' me out already, are ya?" he teased, standing up. "Where's yer manners?"

"I could ask you the same thing," the ravenet shot back in a lighthearted tone. "But a deal is a deal. Thank you for fulfilling it."

Jesse grinned, tipping his hat in Hanzo's direction. "Not a problem, darlin'. We should do it again sometime."

The Shimada rolled his eyes and shooed McCree out the door. He waited until he heard the front door shut before letting out a dreamy sigh. He was about to lay down on the bed when something shiny caught his eye. Curious, he picked it up. His eyes widened when he realized it was Jesse's BAMF belt buckle.

"That smooth fucker..." he muttered aloud, a small smile grazing his lips. "It's gonna take more than brushing my hair to get this back..." he thought, laughing softly to himself as he pocketed the buckle.

He heard the front door open again, followed by his brother's voice. "Now, how do I explain to Genji why I'm in his room..."


A/N: Oof this is really long and really good for a first? I'm really proud of this like holy shit--
Anyway, thank you for reading! I'll be putting more out in the near future!

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