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A/N: Just quickly wanted to write something for the New Year! Let's hope 2019 is better than 2018. Happy New Year...!
(Also let's ignore the fact that the art is from 2017 shshshsh)


"So, Hanzo, what's yer New Year's resolution?"

The archer stopped mid-sip, looking up at his companion curiously. He could've sworn he misheard the southerner, with all this loud Korean music plus Lucio's newest album blaring throughout the house. It was even getting difficult to see the other with the colorful bright lights flashing to the beat.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"You heard me," Jesse murmured, taking a swig if his own drink. "What's yer New Year's resolution?"

There was a pause. Then, the Shimada laughed quietly. He set his drink down and leaned against the counter, shaking his head. Instead if answering the question, he said, "You don't seriously make those, do you?"

A hint of surprise flashed in the brunet's eyes for a moment. "I mean, ya gotta look forward to somethin'. Whether it's a huge goal you'll never complete or somethin' miniscule, ya gotta hold on t' somethin' to get through the year."

The ravenet raised an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

Mccree sighed quietly. "Well..." He set his drink down next to the Asian's and turned towards him. "My goal this year was to socialize more. The main person I wanted to socialize with may've been a grumpy, bow-wielding dragon tamer, but that's beside the point. That lil' spark of hope got me through some... rough times this year."

Hanzo briefly thought back on the times the cowboy almost destroyed his liver in one night and grimaced. To himself, he wondered, "Did that goal get him through? Or was it me?"

"Anyway, I think resolutions can help start new things... No pun intended."

Jesse was downing the rest of his drink refusing to look at the archer. Amusingly, his cheeks were stained pink. The Shimada found himself laughing softly at this, then felt his own face heat up. He coughed, looking away. "I suppose you have a point..."

"Oh, really now?" There was a playful tone in the gunslinger's voice.

"Indeed." He noticed a sudden buzz of excitement rushing through the crowd as they checked their watches. "Nearing midnight, I see..."

"And what's yer verdict?" McCree was now also watching the clock, looking antsy and nervous.

"I think I will create a resolution." Without thinking, he shuffled closer to the southerner. "Though it's a little hard to put into words..."

Thankfully, he caught on. His hand went to Hanzo's chin. "Mind showin' me, then?"

Around them, the countdown chant had started. "Ten... Nine..."

A smile appeared on the Asian's face.

"Eight... Seven..."

"I would love to."

"Six... Five..."

"I gotta admit, Han, our resolutions are pretty similar."

"Four... Three..."

"That just makes things easier for us, then."

"Two... One..."

They leaned in just as the cheering started. Cheers of "Happy New Year!" erupted as their lips met. Ironically, their resolutions had been finished before the year even started.

Arrows and Bullets | McHanzo OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ