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Highschool AU


"Love is friendship that has caught fire."

Jesse stared blankly at the note, not sure what to make of it. It had been taped to his locker, waiting patiently for him after second period. He hadn't taken his eyes off it since, just reading it over and over again in the hallway.

While he was reading it for the hundredth time, someone tapped his shoulder. He jumped and spun around, seeing it was his friend, Genji.

"Yo!" He caught sight of the note and gave it a closer look. "What's that?"

"I don't know," McCree answered, finally taking his eyes off of it to look at his friend. "It was on my locker."

"'Love is friendship that has caught fire'..." the green-haired teen read aloud. "I think it means one of your friends has a crush on you."

The brunet snickered. "Like... You?"

"What? No!" he said, hitting the southerner in the arm. "I like Angela, you know this! It's one of your other friends."

"I have very few friends."

"Then it shouldn't be that hard to figure out," Genji stated, heading off down the hall. "See you in third?"

Jesse nodded, watching his friend go. He looked back down at the note and sighed. "'Love is friendship that has caught fire'... Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?"

He found the answer to that question after this period. A new note was taped to his locker, the paper looking smooth and new. He yanked it off and read it quickly.

"It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Why do all these notes have t' be so damn complicated?"

"What's complicated?"

With a start, he turned around. To his surprise, he found Olivia Colomar standing behind him. "Oh, hey Oli- er, Sombra."

"Hey." She tried to peek at the note. "What's that about?"

"Oh, it's nothin'. Just a note I found on my locker. Genji thinks they might be from a secret admirer."

"Is that so?" The Hispanic walked up beside him. "Can I see it real quick?"

"Um, sure," McCree passed it to her. His eyes widened when she pulled out her phone and started scanning it. "Hey! What're you doin'?"

Somber shrugged. "Oh, just trying to scan the handwriting and figure out who's it is."

He snatched the note back and she gasped. "Hey, I'm tryna help you here!"

"Well, this isn't the way to go 'bout it," he growled. "Can't you just moniter the cameras or somethin'?"

"I can, but that's slow and boring," she groans, throwing her head back. "We can solve this right here, right now."

"But..." The southerner brought his voice down to whisper. "I like the notes. I wanna keep 'em comin'."

The hacker processed what he said and smirked. "Ohohoho, I see what you're doing! Dios Mio, you are a hopeless romantic!"

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