Then, I saw him.

A man so similar to the one who almost killed me, but however, his face had marks the other didn't have. A brother?

My hands shook and I tried to even out my slightly gasp-y breath, drifting to a deep focus.

"Don't check the houses. There could be more than one team." He said while he made his own group stay close to the vehicle. He knew we were here, why else would he speak English? A warning, an... Ambush?

Grenades and mines went off around us, my ears turning deaf to the sound of his laughter.

I had to stay close to my team, I can't let them know-


Soot and debris floated around me, a heavy object laying on my chest. I could faintly hear Jess cough from somewhere in the room, Sage's voice asking her something faintly.

"You okay?" Denton's pained, yet concerned voice asked me, and as my eyes focused, I could see him on top of me, a wooden plank on top of him.

He was protecting me....

"Keffrey, Patel," I glanced over to see Terrace crawl towards us, only to be yanked away. Jessie screamed and we watched in pure terror as one of the enemies shot a bullet in his side.

Ace screamed and withered in pain, clutching his side as the ground stained red with his blood.

"If you do not come with us, he dies." The man pointed his weapon at Terrace's head, his calm expression saying it all.

We had no other choice.


"Let me ask again." Denton's laboured breath echoed in the small room as the men walked around him.

They had taken us to their base, stripped us bare of any weapons and armor. We were left in just our shirts and pants, the only thing of value we were allowed to keep were the dog tags hanging around our necks.

"Where. Is. Your. Base." Again, Denton's screams filled my ears, the sense of hopelessness clouding my faith.

"We say nothing!" Denton spat, pulling against the chains that held him down. If any of us had the energy to shift, we would've done so already.

"Have it your way." Another man reached over and took another one of his fingers, and once more I was deafened.


The sun never reached out chamber, but we didn't want to know how long we've been stuff here to begin with.

Filth, urine, excrement, rot.

My nose no longer worked, and I was so starved, I had lost a lot of my muscle mass. Our food went to Kell, and although she rejected the idea we still gave it to her. After much coaxing, we convinced her to take the food and gain enough energy to shift.

Kell had the smallest and fastest wolf out of all of us, she was also the only one who still had some consciousness when we were taken, and that was enough for her to know how to get back.

I rubbed my filthy beard against the wall to rub out an itch, and in the process, I saw Denton laying motionless against the only mat.

He was targeted from the start, and in the process, lost his arm. Bit by bit, they took pieces of his left arm. From the nails, to the fingers, to the palm, then wrist, to the for arm. He lost so much blood, and he severed the connection to his wolf to protect him from the pain. That wasn't to say he was human now, but just that his wolf was in a temporary coma.

"Denton." I whispered, uncaring to my raspy voice. His eyes slowly opened and I felt relieved to see he was still alive.

His empty green eyes focused on me, and he forced a smile, giving me a thumbs up with his other shaky arm. Kell had begun giving him most of the food that she didn't need for her escape, and though it did little, it was still enough to sustain him a little longer.

"Longer?" Sage asked from his chains. He had put up a hell of a fight after the first question session. He paid the price by giving up his freedom to move around. The men had pinned him to the ground with thick metal cuffs, after beating him and almost drowning him.

"Done." Jess coughed again, then went to Terrace's side. The bullet had thankfully past through, and using what we could, his wound was shut closed. He couldn't move as well as he could've, but he still held a strong face.

"Now?" I asked, closing my eye; the left one was payment for more food.

"Yes." Jess said, and I could hear the quiet murmurs between her and her sister.

Kell was weeping quietly, going around and giving us a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hoorah..." She whispered, and our collected response echoed back.



I lost count of the grains of sand in the room for the nth time, leaning back against the wall. They weren't very happy when they discovered Kell had disappeared though a small gap in the wall, and we each received a punishment of immobilization and no food.

That, of course, meant a beating and more chains. We couldn't even move towards each other, but we were thankful they kept us in the same cell.

Jess and Terrace were sleeping against each other. We all knew the first to go would be Denton or Jess. Denton was awake less of the time, and Jess had fallen ill and had begun coughing up blood.

My gashes threatened to open again as I moved, finding me to be their next favourite play toy.

"Giant." I glanced up at my nickname and smiled slightly at the sight of the men, knowing it was time for another session.

"Thank the goddess, my legs were going numb." I laughed slightly and winced when one of them kicked my face. That was going to bruise.

They unlocked my chains and grabbed my arms, pulling my up and dragging me to the chair.

The chamber I was in was a stone room filled with chains and bolts and such, the door being a metal barred one. Sage, Terrace and I had a perfect view on what their torture consisted of.

The chair. A simple, reinforced wooden chair that was bolted to the ground. It was surrounded by tables full of torture equipment; their favourite one to use on me was the dry drowning, as some of them called it.

They would tilt my head and place a rag on my face, pouring water over my mouth and nose.

Just like they were about to do now.

"Where is your leader office?"

I said nothing, but tilted my head back.




Whatever keeps your goat afloat




His Soldier {Boy x Boy}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora