Chapter VIII

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=-=-= Hopefully, it will be more slowly paced from now on, and on that note, sorry for the rushed chapters before this one. =-=-=

= Seven years later =


I yawned and stretched, my tails shaking happily. 

Yes. I said tailS. I'm a Diamond wolf, remember?

My ears twitched as I stood up, looking over to the open window.

A smile curved on my lips as I then walked over to the dresser and gazed at the book I had helped illustrate.

It had become instantly popular, and currently, I had just sent the final copy of our fifth collaboration. 

I grinned and wagged my dark grey tails tipped black. My black ears flattened and were hidden in my hair. With a smirk, I walked out to the bathroom, following my morning routine and shifting to complete human. 

After brushing my teeth and combing my hair so it fell backwards, I went to change. Yes, I realize that my routine isn't normal.

I chose a black dress shirt and dark blue, almost black skinny jeans. I then slipped on black vans, grabbing my bag that had everything else.

Walking into the kitchen, Hollie was at the stove, cooking while the smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the air. I smiled and went over to her, kissing her cheek. She giggled and kissed mine in return.

"Morning, Ethan. So, today you have practice, right?" She glanced up from the pan before serving it into five plates.

Before you ask why five plate, just wait, alright?

"Yep. I won't be able to drop off Summer or Winter, but I'll try to squeeze in enough time to do so." She smiled and handed me a plate, letting me sit at the island before I was tackled by two, small bodies. "Good morning, Summer, Winter." My twin siblings grinned up at me, laughing and giggling.

Exactly nine months after my arrival, mom gave birth to these six, almost seven year old twins. 

Summer had mom's brown hair, and mom's olive green eyes, hence the name, Summer. Winter had strange white hair and dad's glacial blue eyes, giving the name Winter. Sure, he was made fun of and bullied, but those who dared to lay a hand on him had their butts kicked by him, and occasionally, Summer herself.

I picked up Summer, placing a kiss on her forehead before putting her down and doing the same to Winter.

"Eat breakfast. We are going to be late if we don't hurry." I stated with all seriousness before they nodded and climbed into stools on either side of me. 

Soon, a very tired and sick Marcos came down the stairs, yawning. With a slight whine, he sat across from me after kissing mom on the cheek. He refused to make her sick.

"Morning, dad." I smiled, he smiled back, and the twins repeated my greeting.

"Morning, daddy!" He chuckled, looking at me. 

"Can you do me a favor when you have time?" He asked, his voice deeper and stuffy. 

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head. He laughed slightly, continuing.

"The Alpha said he had something for me, but we can't find time for me to get it." I nodded understandingly and finished up my breakfast, standing and looking at the twins. 

"Come on guys, it's almost time." They whined and hugged mom and dad goodbye, rushing to me as they waved at me. I led them to my navy blue truck, helping the twins into the backseat into their kiddy seats. Then, I went back into the house and grabbed my acoustic guitar, smiling sheepishly at my parent's knowing gaze. I went back and placed the guitar in the passenger seat and climbed into the driver seat, chuckling at the twin's weird conversation over what was better, pb and j, or just pb. I buckled up and put the radio on, turning the volume low as I drove to the school district. 

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