You're my sister?!

Start from the beginning

Zayn's P.O.V: The next morning.

I woke up to the birds chirping. I saw Rachel was still in my arms. She looked so beautifull. I think i am falling for her but again she's my bestfriends sister. I got up carefully not waking her up. I hopped downstairs and saw Harry in the kitchen. "Hey Haz. Wassup?" I asked him grabbing a pan. "Hey Zayn, Thanks for comforting Rachel the other night. " He said smiling. Wow i never thought harry would say this. i thought he'll be like screaming at me. "No Prob Haz." I droped the batter on the pan and made pancakes for Rachel. When they were done i Dropped maple syrup on top and did some cute toppings. She came downstairs looking cute as always. "Hi Rach. Here you go breakfast. I said putting the stack of pancakes on a plate. She smiled. Gosh, I am in love with this smile. "Thank you Zayn!" She was still wearing My clothes from tonight. She looked hot. Her eyes are so beautifu-. My thoughts got cut of when harry barged in. "Hey rach. I sent some men to get all your stuff here. Okay?" He said. "Thankyour harry" She said but then harry smile turned into a frown "And i just got a call from the hospital. They said the funeral's today at 5 ok?" He said sadly. "Okay." She said quietly. I could see that she was holding back her tears. Then the boys walked in. They saw that Rachel was sad so they tried to cheer her up. They all hugged her. Louis started cracking jokes and she laughed. Wow she had such a beautiful laugh. I could just stare her all day long. 

We went to Nandos to have lunch and Rachel sat beside me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. After lunch We were tired so we decided to go home and sleep all day long. We weren't recording till 6 weeks so we were free to do whatever we want. I walked Rachel to her room Which was besides mine. All her stuff were allready there. "Thanks Zayn, For everything." She said. I smiled at her and she smiled back and then i walked out and walked to my room. I sliped under the covers and had a long peaceful sleep.

Rachel's P.O.V:

I was about to sleep when my phone started vibrating. It was a group call from Taylor and Joey. I picked it up.

Phone convo:

Joe:Hi Rach. I heard what happened. Is everything alright?

Taylor: Yea, Where are you?

joe:sorry couldn't contact you earlier. You're welcome to stay at my house if you want.

Taylor. Yeah and you can stay at my house too. Why aren't you speaking?

They shoot me with trizzilion questions.

Rachel: Guys, guys i am fine. ( i SAID QUIETLY)

Taylor: Where are you?

Rachel: (I told them the whole story about Harry being my brother)

Taylor: OMG! Your brother Is 'HARRY 'FRICKIN' STYLES'. No wonder you guys had the same lastnames.

Joe: Taylor stop fangirling. Rachel, Babe if you need anything just give me a call okay?

Taylor: Yeah. I gotta go. Stay safe. 

Rachel: Bye tay love ya.

Joe: I gotta go babe. love ya.

Rachel: I love you too Joey. Seeya. 

joe: Bye


As i put my phone down i saw zayn standing on my door. He looked broken. Why?

Zayn's P.O.V:

I was bored so i decided i would pay Rachel a visit so i Went to her room, She was talking to someone. I only heard her say "I love you too joe, SEEYa" This made my heart break. She had a boyfriend? Ofcourse she did she's beautiful. But i was falling for her so hard i don't know what i'm going to do. But before i could walk away she saw me standing by her door. "Hi Zayn. What's Up?" She asked. "Hey. Nothing just bored. walked in to see you talking to your boyfriend" I just said. She laughed "Joe? He isn't my boyfriend, He's my best friend. More like a brother." Wow that was releif. I didn't do anything just crashed my lips to her. She was shocked at first but then she kkissed back. She broke the kiss and smiled. I smiled back. God, she was beautiful. "Rachel would you go out with me" I asked politely. "Her smile soon turned into a frown. "I don't thing Harry'll be to happy about that. I 'll have to ask him first." Wow, she really loved harry, i mean she cared about what he'll think. "Sure." I walked out of her room and went downstairs.

Rachel's P.O.V:

I went to harry's room and knocked it. He opened it and smiled. 'Hey rach'. "Hi harry. Can we talk?" i asked him. "Sure. some in." I walked in.  "Soo?" he said. "Harry, can i go out with Zayn" I asked hoping for a yes. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Ofcourse you can. I mean it'll be beter because i trust zayn and i know him very well. I'll be very happy for you but you don't have to actually ask me who should date or not love. I'll never reject your choice i promise." He said. He is the best brother in the whole wide world. I squeled and hugged him verry tight.He suddenly broke the hug. "Hey, Wanna mess up with Zayn?" he said. My smile turned into a evil smile. "YES!"

We went to Zayns room and harry had made a very upset,angry face. I knocked the door and he opened it . "I'm guessing this is not good." He said Frowning. "No it's not, You can't just go around and date my sister" Harry said pretending he was angry. I bit my lip to hold the laughter back. "I can't?" Zayn asked confused scratching the back of his head. "NO! You idiot." Suddenly harry started laughing. "What the hell harry, It was all going so well" I said inbetween my laughs. Zayn had a confused face. "Whaaaa" Zayn said. "You should've have a look on his face" We both laughed and Zayn stormed back to his room. "Later rach" Harry said as he walked away. I opened Zayn's door and walked in seeing him sitting on his bad. His back was facing me. "Zayn I'm sorry." I said. He got up and walked towards me. He unexpectdly crashed his lips on mine. He broke the kiss and said "That's what you get for messing with me" He had a evil grin on his face. I whispered in his ear "Then i'll be sure to mess with you everyday" He hugged me and said "So will you go out with me?" "Yes!" I replied. "Okay, Tommorow be ready at five? Wear something casual kay?" "okay." I got out of his room and ran to mine to get ready for the funeral. I went downstairs and all the boys and i went to the funeral.

After the funeral We went home. Louis and Liam had their girlfriends over. Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder. They both were extremely friendly. We chatted for a while. We decided to have a movie night. We walched Paranormal Activity and i ended up on Zayn's lap. We all went to sleep. '

The next day i woke up quite late. I checked the time on my phone and it was 3:30. I got up and showered. And got ready for our date. 

So yeah i think it's about 3 pages.

Gif of Rachel crying on the side ;(

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