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Without Me - Halsey
^ Isabelle :(


Jaxen's wolf and I growled and we fought him. Fangs and Claws against fists and kicks. I would slash at Sarmah's ribs while Jaxen bit at his leg. Our goal was to take him down. As Jaxen distracted him, I was able to tackle Sarmah to the floor and dig my teeth into his neck.

"Agh! Oh my- Ow! You got that! Now let- Me- Go!" The man under me got up on his fours and attempted to roll on his back but Jaxen grabbed hold of him, clamping down on his arm with his strong jaws. He must have got him hard because you could hear cracking. "You little Bastard!"

Jaxen Shifted and said nothing as he landed a hard punch, knocking him out cold. Wayze jumped off and I took back control, shifting back. "God damn . . ." I look towards Jaxen, there were gnashes on his torso and back, as well as other wounds but slowly, he started to heal.

I mirrored many injuries but I started to slowly heal as well. Jaxen dragged off Sarmah towards the exit to the others, notifying me he would tie the dick up and see what we would do to him. I walked over to my beta, still unconscious and still as his wolf.

I lifted him up and limped out of the room, meeting the others. I had mind linked one of my warriors, getting them to call over our human ally and have them get Aaron's mate's corpse out of the wolfsbane.

We are going home


Sarmah's POV~ (WhAaAaAaaAtTttt ???)

Sick little pups. Bastards.

My father wouldn't allow of this. The man who I will see soon. He will collect me and take me home.

NO. I can't. I can't go home. Not with that bastard waiting for me to torture me. I told him I was not going to do by him and go on with myself. I disrespected the devil and I'm going to get it once he gets me. This wasn't supposed to happen!

I was supposed to be able to kill BOTH of those useless girls and get my immortality. Be an equal to the higher ones. The Moon Goddess, Fate, Time, Death -- This wasn't supposed to happen! God damn it!

People say I was descended from a follower of Lucifer but what they didn't know was that I was the son of the devil himself. People mistake him for a demon. Dumb asses! Cast down from Heaven and sent to hell because of God . . . Of course Lucifer had to use my mom as in incubator! Wanting a damn child for power. A hybrid. A nephilim. Born with the essence of an Archangel and the purity of a human soul. Only that my mother wasnt a human but a hybrid.

Im not torn by The devil and a follower of Jesus. My mother's parents was a lackey of Lucifer and an underdof of my uncle, Gabriel.

I wasn't suppose to die!

I need to do something to stop it. I need to find a way out of this cellar and kill Isabelle. I was stupid enough to not kill her right away when those Alpha pups showed up with the lackey Beta.

I look around the damp and dark cellar. The rocks growing mold and the chains rattling by any movement caused by me. If only these chains held rust . . . The collar and chain around my neck made me grow uncomfortable and made the skin on my neck prickle underneath its metal touch. I growl in frustration and pull on my chains around my wrists. Over the time I've been awake, my skin on my wrists began to break, leaving an opening for the thick dark substance to trickle down from the open wounds and down my arms.

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