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Control-Halsey (nightcore version)

Isabelle's POV~

Today is the day. Where my dear friend, Thea, leaves.

I watch on the steps as Jasper appears. I glared at him at each step he takes.

I call Thea from the kitchen and she appears a minute later.

She squeals once she sees her mate and waddles her way to him.

He shakes his head, then chuckles, and runs to her to stop her from moving to much.

I run up to them and hug Thea.

"You promised that were gonna ring each other everyday so you better not forget or I'll call you until you pick up"

She chuckles and nods. We hug one last time and parted ways.

I'm gonna miss her. But I'm surprised that Jasper didn't growl or attack me..

Is it a miracle?

I shrug my shoulders and walk in.

'I haven't been let out in a while. Can we have a run Izz?'

'Ya Ya, sure'

'Love you!'

I rolled my eyes and cut the connection.

I lazily walked to a tree and stripped. I focused on my silver fur and wolf body. My bones started cracking and my body was shifting. Soon enough, my fur grew.

I shook my fur and stretched. It has been awhile since I've shifted, huh.

'Yeah, now gimme control!'

'Your a greedy wolf, very greedy'


'Are you turning out like one of those girlies that say something instead of doing it?'

'Bitch leave meh alone'

'What the fuck happened to you??'
I cut the connection and slide off, letting Alexis take control.

She made a wolfish grin and ran. Loving the feeling of wind intertwining with our fur and mother earth under our paws, she ran faster and went to full on Sprint Mode.

She barked in joy and satisfaction. People may be easy to fight but there is nothing like running as your wolf and-

Alexis yelped as she falls down a pit. And guess what. This pit has some ice cold fucking water.

What the hell?

I shifted back swiftly but my teeth clatter because of the cold.

I mean we live 50 miles away from the equator. How can you have ice cold water here??

Then I heard chatter... Men..

"Hey Derrick! I think we caught a  wolf!" This voice sounded like it Belonged to a 20 year oldish guy.


I'm naked.


They're also hunters.

Double shit.

I'm kinda miles away from the pack.

Triple Shit.

'I'm sorry Izzy..'

'Next time I'm not letting you take control. Until you've earned it' I growled.

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