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How Long-Charlie Puth

Isabelle's POV~

I'm off my bed. Which might piss Kadence off.

But fuck it. I wanna see Madalynn.

I'm kinda all healed up, it's just the burnt flesh on my back that isn't really..... All healed up. Normally, for humans, it would probably take a month or more to heal burnt flesh. For us werewolves, it may take a week or less. I have less pain and I am able to walk which is good.

And I found out that I was unconscious for 2 days. So far I have been Conscious for 4 days. Yay me.

I made my way to Madalynn and Aaron's room, making sure to go the long way so Kadence won't smell me out of our room. I actually can't believe that I convinced him to leave me alone and finally do the pack work.

It was tricky.. Her scent kinda made me go in some circles since a while back she completed the mating process. So since her scent is mixed with Aaron's, it would confuse me because Aaron is with Kadence. Their room isn't close to my mate's office. I will say that.

I finally spotted the door with 'Beta' plastered onto it in gold and cursive. Why did Aaron choose to be in the different compartment then Kadence- better yet, Jerome and Eva is farther away. Probably makes sense since mates like to get down and 'sleep'. I have been keeping Kadence under control. He finall understands that I'm not always in a horny mood. Eye roll.

I opened the door and see Madalynn with creased eyebrows and tightly shut eyes. She looks like she is still in pain.. I look towards the crib holding her sons, sleeping humbly. I go to the other side of Madalynn's bed and sit down. "Hey Izz"

I look towards her in surprise. She turned her head and sighed. "I thought I was going crazy when I smelt you" I recovered from my shock and smiled. "I wouldn't ever think about forgetting to check on you. Do you really not know me, bitch?" 

Madalynn chuckled and smiled weakly. "I heard you have been down for two days. I haven't been out that long. Only for a couple of hours and I was in intense pain.."

"First of all, we don't need braggers ass-wipe" We both laughed softly and I breathed in. "Second of all, How are you feeling?"

"Better... Hey, can you check the burn. I'm suppose to have it checked every twelve hours"

"That should be a pain, but sure" I slowly got off the bed to not put her in any other pain and made my way to her side. I carefully unwrapped the bandage and tried to keep calm. I felt tears brimming up and I wiped them. Why am I so emotional?

"Where does Aaron put the cream?"

"In the drawer, right here" She nodded her head to her night stand and I found the cream easily. Just to get me distracted, I try to make conversation with my cousin.

"So, has Aaron been the one to take care of Daniel and Davey?"

"Yup. He isn't very good at it" I smile and wrap the bandage back on then put the cream away.

"M... I don't know what's wrong with me"

"What are you talking about?"

I took a breath in and released it softly. "I have been very.. Emotional. And for a while, I have been throwing up in the mornings. I feel so hungry but I can't eat anything. Sometimes, the food Kadence gets me smells and tastes nasty. Plus, those meals were my favorite!" I sighed and leaned on the wall.

I saw Madalynn think and keep her eyes on my stomach. "What? Do I have a stomach virus or a sickness? It is very bad for us to get sick. Werewolves can't get-" Madalynn's eyes sparkled and I heard a gasp.

"I hear it...." I look at her confused.

"Hear what..?"


"My heartbeat? Huh..?" She kept her eyes on my stomach and I finally get it...

I placed a hand onto my lower stomach then closed my eyes and tried to listen.

Ba-Bump. Ba-Bump. Ba-Bump.


"You can hear it too"

My head began to feel a little woozy and I sat on the rocking chair to my right. I went through all that pain while I had something I didn't know... Shit.

"How did I not know before? I.."

"You were distracted. It's usually hard to hear when your mind is onto something else and isn't clear" My eye began to water.

"I went through the ceremony and been in so much pain.. What if something happened to them?"

"They are still developing, Izz. It's alright" I wiped my eyes and the door opened.

"I knew I shouldn't have left" Kadence walked in with all his glory. He saw me shaken and teary-eyed...

"Isabelle, what's wrong?" Madalynn looked at me and waited. I sighed and looked Kadence straight in the eyes.

"I'm Pregnant"


BOOM! I made another chapter. I feel a lot better, even though I almost bled to death on Christmas Eve.... Anyways. My friend and I have a project to do together. We were suppose to write a story together with the "Stand Your Ground" crap and I began typing. We have a good plot and ideas and then I thought, I'm gonna write in my book. This chapter isn't even bad. I missed 'Misabelle'. 

Dudes, my friend kept telling me that I was a good writer and I kept denying.. So she got my teacher to read what we had and she said that I might have a future to be a writer. I felt shy all of a sudden.. Heheh..

I just realize that this is my first  chapter into 2018! Happy New year Peeps! xD

Please comment if you guys are still with me. I'm feeling lonely.. I feel like I lost a lot of you because my depression made me lose motivation and interest in my books ):

Also, "Her Possession" is out! It's on LunaIzzStep, remember! It's by me and kade_is_da1.

Well... comment "Stelena is better than Delena" for a preview to the next chapter!

I love you guys! <3

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