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Suavemente-Nayer ft. Pitbull & Mohambi
^^^My hunk, Kadence😍

Isabelle's POV~


"But why??" She asked flustered.

"You were the best prankster and basically a legend! We want to make an epic prank on my mate!" I may be annoying but nothing is more annoying than my whining and pleading. Just ask Madalynn.

"I'm to old for that, Isabelle"

"Mother please! I will do anything!" My mother narrowed her eyes at me like I was stupid. I mean....She wouldn't make me do anything I don't want to do right?


I grinned and jumped happily.

"We're gonna have a blood bath"


I had my left leg burried up to my knee. The thing is, my position hurts so much cause Kadence isn't Mr. Soft-and-Gentle when it comes to sleeping with him.

Mom somehow found some kind of fake leg and place it near me. Lastly,we had a pack member shift and masked their scent with a Rogue-ish scent.

We put fake blood on them and on me, making it look like I was fighting the rogue and had my leg brutally bit off.

My mom also had the kids get realistic looking claw marks in them. She left to a far corner and gave the thumbs up. I signaled to the kids and we got ready.

Then everyone started screaming. The parents ran to their fallen kids, wailing. I made sure the bond was blocked so he wouldn't feel suspicious about being in pain.

I counted to 5 and let out a gruesome scream myself. I screamed and screamed, making my throat dry and raw. Screaming my lungs out like I was in the biggest pain ever. I let tears stream down my face and felt those sparks shooting up my arm.

Kadence tried to talk but all I did is scream and scream. "SON OF A BITCH! AHH!!"

I let more tears go and put some drama into this.

"W-Why me?! Ahh!" I put my arms onto Kadence and tighten my grip. "It hurts! It-"

"Isabelle, what happened?! Te-"

Since Kadence was distracted because of me, the kids slowly got up and tackled my mate in fits of squeals and laughs. I wiped my tears and giggled myself. Some of the parents watched amused, at my mate's reaction and mother's prank.

My mom came out with a blanket and wrapped it around the pack member who just shifted back. The 16 year old bowed her head and left laughing.

Kadence just looked at all of us bewildered. His eyes gazed off to every direction not knowing what's real or fake anymore. My mom helped me free my leg and I got up.

"I swear I'm gonna have a heart attack at a young age..." He groaned. I laughed and helped him up. "Well..... from a scale of one to ten, how real did it seem and how good was my acting?"

Kadence got free from the kids and scowled. I just laughed with my mom and watch him dust himself off.

"Why do you do this to me?"

"Well...It's fun. And I like messing with you. I mean, karma is a bitch but it's worth" Kadence rolled his eyes but I saw the twitch happening at the corner of his lips.

"Uh... mom, lets go..... clean up!" I grabbed my mother's arm and sped away from him.

Not this time. Nope.

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