lucas, you'll be the one paying right?

the younger nodded his head, ❝don't be scared to choose a lot.

okay then.

by a lot, lucas didn't know this plenty. the food they had ordered took up all the space of a table for four people, and lucas only ordered two side dishes for him to eat while jungwoo ordered the rest. not only that, there were still desserts coming to their way.

he wasn't caring about how much he will pay, he was caring about how much jungwoo could eat.

you sure you can finish this all?❞ lucas eyed each one of the dish this restaurant has in store for them.

jungwoo shrugged and then let out a giggle, ❝probably?

hearing the older giggle made lucas smile. ❝let's eat now, shall we?

the two started to dig in, stopping for a while to talk and then eating back again. to lucas' surprise, it looks like jungwoo can finish everything. lucas is already a big eater, what more with jungwoo who's eating everything in one scoop.

hey,❞ lucas handed jungwoo a glass of water, ❝slow down.

i.. just ate a bone.❞ jungwoo managed to say while still coughing.


lucas..❞ jungwoo dramatically held lucas' arm, ❝i think i'm going t-to die.

jungwoo kept on coughing while lucas was there panicking. he didn't know what to do, whether he should call one of the staffs or call the ambulance. he was about to stand up to ask for help but jungwoo gripped his arm tight that he was pulled back down to his seat.

b-before you go..❞ jungwoo coughed again, ❝i just want to s-say that..

jungwoo? jungwoo!❞ lucas stood up from his place went around to rub jungwoo's back.

sike.❞ he whispered, holding back a laugh.

lucas paused for a moment before realizing the situation. people around them were muffling up their laughs as they witnessed how worried lucas was. at first they two were worried about the two, about jungwoo, but noticing that it's weird that he's not letting lucas go and ask for help that's when they knew that it's a joke.

the younger groaned and hit the older's back lightly, ❝why you gotta do that?

jungwoo now laughed even louder than before, ❝you fell for it.

slouching his back, lucas went back to sit down to his place and continued to eat silently, not talking to jungwoo.

come on.❞ jungwoo poked lucas' forehead, ❝don't act like you were really worried.

i was, okay.❞ lucas said with seriousness visible from his tone. ❝i was scared because i thought i would lose you or what.

not falling for lucas' games, jungwoo managed to let out a nervous laugh, ❝i won't die in just choking.

what if you would?❞ lucas looked up, ❝where can i find another jungwoo in my life if i lost you?

now jungwoo felt guilty for what he did, ❝i'm sorry.

just don't do it again.❞ lucas said earning a nod from the older.

the two ate silently after that, their desserts now finally arriving. jungwoo was now eating slowly, not because he could feel his stomach get full but because he was scared he'd choke for real.


the younger hummed, looking up from his dessert. ❝what is it?

a random question but,❞ jungwoo leaned forward, ❝would you date me if i was a girl?

lucas then choked from his dessert. no, he wasn't kidding to get back at jungwoo. he really did choke for real. jungwoo quickly gave lucas a glass of water which the younger immediately drank.

now, where can i find another lucas if i lost you?❞ it was jungwoo's turn to say that along with a giggle.

lucas rolled his eyes and then continued to eat his dessert. jungwoo noticed the younger not answering his question, he didn't ask again and also went to eat his dessert.

i would even marry you even if you are a boy.❞ lucas whispered, enough for jungwoo to hear.


lucas stopped in front of the older's apartment, waiting for him to get inside. ❝don't forget about tomorrow hm?

jungwoo nodded, ❝i won't. thank you for today.

the younger smiled, ❝anything for you jungwoo.

go home safe. bye.❞ jungwoo returned the smile and closed the door slowly.

he placed the plastic bags down the sofa and he too sat down and heaved a long sigh. he brought his hand up to his stomach snd started caressing it as he remembered his time with lucas a while ago.

baby, your daddy was worried.❞ he chuckled remembering lucas panicking. ❝i bet you are laughing there, it was so funny.

a moment of silence for him. sure they had a lot of fun a while ago, especially when he didn't get to spend even a coin. lucas paid for everything they bought and even the food they ate. he thought that he's been taking advantage of lucas that's why the next time they go out, he'll be the one who'll treat the two of them.

but did you hear what he said?❞ jungwoo looked down and smiled while caressing his stomach gently, ❝he said he'll marry me..

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