Chapter 17: A Planet Void of Hope

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It was the mid-afternoon, around 2:30PM, and Saku and Aeron were on their way to meet Zarla. They walked through the shopping district which was a series of indoor stalls, hosted by many different races, selling a wide variety of merchandise. The people did notice Saku but didn't pay him any heed.

Saku was wondering why Zarla had requested him "I wonder what Zarla needs for anyway? She said it wasn't urgent...but her tone said otherwise"

"You call Empress in-formally?" said Aeronl "Or yes you are her chosen pupil. So she may have requested to be friendly with you"

"That was actually the first thing she wanted to do. She appears very respectful of others. Or at least to those who deserve it"

"That sounds like something you said. Your master asked you to treat others with same respect they give you"

"Yeah...that's it"

Saku thought back to when he first met her "She has this...almost pleasant air about her at first but on a closer glance there's something...potent behind her"

"Something...Potent?" said Aeron confused

"During our first meeting...she tested my strength. It lasted only a few second...but I felt something around her. It was strong...amazingly strong. It wasn't intimidating but more overbearing"

"Well she is the Lady Empress" said Aeron almost reminding him "I don't doubt her power level would be significantly higher than most"

"True I suppose"

The pair were now going through the residential area of the space-station when Aeron noticed "It's that Overseer Quercus"

"And he looks rather absorbed into a earthling book?" said Saku tilting his head. Quercus was walking along the corridor, his face buried in a book that interested him greatly

"he-he...most fascinating"

"Same for me" Quercus put down his book and looked at Saku "It's strange seeing an...extra-terrestrial read human literature"

Quercus closed the book "If anything humans do have great imaginations. I often find myself reading their very archaic books"

"sor-ry for being so primitive" said Saku sarcastically "Do you hurt your fingers turning the pages?"

"I'm just saying it's interesting. I've been watching you Saku Stritos. The Empress has not picked a pupil for many a decade. So for her to pick one now... deserves commendation"

"You making it sound like I bribed her or something"

"No. That just means that there's something very unique about you"

Quercus folded his arms "I just wonder what it is she sees about you. With no offence you are the most primitive of all races here at the competition. You have no wings, no extra sensory powers or enhanced senses"

"I can't tell if you're taking the mick or what?" said Saku a bit agitated

"Oh it because the humans have a sixth sense? I've learnt that humans have the power to sense danger. Is that why Empress is interested?"

"Wait is that true?" said Aeron coming forward "you have a sixth sense!?"

Quercus had only just noticed Aeron who appeared very eager "Humans have the power to sense danger! What an amazing ability"

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