⌜ seventeen ⌟

Start from the beginning

raising his hand and flicking jungwoo's forehead, lucas chuckled. ❝don't be such a baby.

while pouting, jungwoo scrunched his nose when lucas flicked his forehead. he then covered his now exposed forehead using his two hands and then looked at lucas. not a minute after, the two started to laugh. laugh not because anything is funny, not because they find the situation funny, but they are laughing for no reason. call them crazy, but they just missed each other.

i miss you.❞ their laughs finally died down and lucas is now sitting on jungwoo's hospital bed, looking at him and giving him one genuine smile.

jungwoo returned the smile, ❝i do too.

now that they admitted to each one that they miss each other, what next? they know what to talk next. it's the only they need to clear things up. but none of them had the guts to bring it up. they can't just shrug it off like it's nothing because it's something. doing it with your bestfriend is definitely something.



the two males blushed when they decided to speak at the same time. and now they are back again with the silence. it took them like another five minutes of silence before finally saying something to each other, which jungwoo was the one who broke the ice between them first.

you first.

lucas nodded, looking away as he couldn't believe that he'll be talking about this with his bestfriend. ❝about what happened in the new years night..

jungwoo couldn't help but coo at lucas blushing like crazy, ❝so cute.❞ if the embarrassment keeps up then there's no doubt that lucas will cry.

stop it!❞ he was the complete opposite of the lucas who was like a beast on new years night. ❝i just want to say sorry.

taking lucas' hand and caressing it to calm the younger down since it looked like his face will blow up like a cherry bomb because of how red it is, jungwoo listened to the youngers words.

i knew i shouldn't have given in. it was new year and we spent it.. like..❞ lucas raised his head only to see jungwoo smiling which he was very uncomfortable of, ❝stop looking at me like that.

what?❞ jungwoo giggled while lucas hit his arms, but not too hard, ❝do you want me to cry or something?

i gave in and couldn't control myself. but just so you know, i never regretted doing it with you and honestly it felt so good.❞ lucas rapped that he probably said that without stopping to breathe. which he did, he finally let out the air he was holding back and then smiled. ❝i finally said it.

jungwoo raised his hand up, making lucas think that he's going to slap him for liking doing it with his bestfriend but what he received was a pat on the head, ❝good boy.

the younger saw that sweet smile on jungwoo's face which made him blush more redder than before if that's even possible. ❝i'm not a dog.

i know.❞ jungwoo giggled and then stopped to look down. guess it's his turn to say something, ❝i was drunk, and i blame you for it—

yeah, about that, i'm sorry for shouting at you.❞ and then lucas furrowed his brows, ❝but why would you drink? you know you lose control when drunk.

shrugging, the older continued to look down, ❝it just felt like the only thing to do at that moment. i'm very sorry and if it wasn't for me, you would have controlled yourself.

both of them are at fault, and they admit to it.

we definitely won't forget about it so,❞ lucas held his hand out for a handshake, ❝let's forgive each other?

forgiven.❞ jungwoo said, shaking lucas' hands.

by the way, what did the doctor say?❞ now was the time to talk about jungwoo's state and why he's been vomiting and feeling dizzy all the time.

it took jungwoo for a while to answer. he managed to give the younger a smile, that hides it all, ❝it was just indigestion and it will get better soon.

did she say about buying meds?❞ because he'll buy it for the older.

shaking his head as a no, he went back to smiling at lucas hoping that this smile can make him stop in worrying. ❝i can get out of the hospital now. i just need to pay for the check up and—

already done it.

frowning, jungwoo gave lucas a look, ❝lucas.

look, you're my bestfriend remember?❞ lucas brushed the hair that was covering the older's eyes and then stopped his hand on jungwoo's smooth cheeks to caress is. ❝let me help you.

jungwoo really appreciated it. he was lucky to have lucas, ❝thank you.

now let's get you up, i wanna eat ice cream!


you sure you're fine on your own?❞ lucas got out of his car and followed jungwoo until the older reached in front of the apartment.

they spent the whole afternoon walking around the park, celebrating their new years very late but they didn't mind. they had each other, and celebrating new years together was all they needed. and now it has come to the point that they needed to go home. the day surely would fly by fast if you're having fun.

i have been on my own in my entire life, lucas.❞ jungwoo giggled, getting the key under the welcome matt, he unlocked the door with it. ❝thank you for today.

no problem.❞ lucas watched the older opening the door and him still staying there, waiting for jungwoo to close the door. making sure he is safe. ❝i'll come by tomorrow.

you have work.

you're my bestfriend, you're much more important.

jungwoo's jaw dripped, ❝new year, new lucas? that's so not you. where's the lucas that always tease me for being heavy? where's the lucas who cry easily when—

just close the door.❞ lucas groaned but then chuckled, ❝bye.

goodnight.❞ jungwoo showed a soft smile before closing the door.

he made his way to the sofa and sat down not long after. a long sigh escaped from his lips and leaned back. a tear escaped from his closed eyes unknowingly. he didn't wipe it and let more tears fall down. his hand went to his chest, feeling his fast heart beat, and then slid his hands down to his stomach, caressing very gently.

hey there baby..

t b c

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