let go of me!❞ jungwoo screamed, his feet going up and down and arms waving up in the air thinking that this giants who's carrying him will put him down.

stop moving so much.❞ lucas clicked his tongue.

jungwoo groaned, ❝you are so mean.

i am not.

yes you are!

i am—

then put me down and let me dance!❞ jungwoo moved his body again, almost making lucas drop him. ❝i'm going to dance until taemin loses his job.

mentioning their dance teacher way back in high school, lucas wanted to laugh. but jungwoo moving a lot was making him annoyed. he is not light as what everyone from his group of friends think he is, he is quite heavy. finally reaching his car, for what seemed like forever, lucas quickly opened it and threw jungwoo at the passengers seat while he went to the drivers seat and didn't waste any time to start the engine.

i feel sick.

lucas widened his eyes, ❝no, don't you dare.

i feel like i'm going to—

do not. you keep it in or i'm throwing you out of the car.❞ he didn't really mean it but that made jungwoo follow what he said.

the poor drunk boy nodded his head like a kid kept his mouth shut. the ride felt like the whole year, everything around him was spinning. he wanted to sleep but just by closing his eyes, his head would start to hurt.

are we there yet?❞ he mumbled.

the person driving shook his head, ❝no.

just when he thought that jungwoo's going to stay silent. not five minutes after, jungwoo started to speak, asking him the same question.

are we there yet?

groaning in annoyance, lucas turned to the right before answering, ❝no.

and this time, only ten seconds passed and jungwoo asked the same question again. ❝are we there yet?

a big fucking no!❞ this was driving him mad.

you didn't have to shout.❞ jungwoo blinked slowly and then flopped his body down the seat. waiting to arrive at wherever they are going.

after finally turning the last corner, lucas stopped in front of a familiar place and then went out of his car. opening the door from the passenger's seat, lucas tapped the older's thigh. ❝we're here.

jungwoo sat up, his head spinning to the extreme level, ❝end me now.

lucas managed to get jungwoo out from his car and carried him from his back. lucas struggled going up by the stairs but fortunately arrived in front of jungwoo's room. he gripped the door knob tight and twisted it only for him to groan for the nth time today.

where's the key?

jungwoo giggled, burying his head on lucas' neck. he loved how warm lucas felt and how good he smell. ❝the key to your heart?

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