Part 16: Jamie

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Darkness filled my vision and I could hear my ears ringing and echoing into my head. Someones hand took mine and pulled me to my feet. It was only then that I opened my eyes and looked at the figure standing there. 

    Dwalin. He handed me my bag and then placed his hand onto my shoulder. I hadn't known it then, but I was swaying. I took my katana from the floor and hurriedly unsheathed it, spinning and dodging and fighting to the best of my abilities.                                                   

Minutes passed and we were running yet again. People in front of me were yelling , as well as the ones behind me. And yet, no words could be made out in my spinning head. I tried my best to keep up with the people ahead of me, but the more I tried the more I stumbled. My feet seemed to catch every rock and stone that passed. That made me all the more thankful when we reached the wooden bridges. They seemed to twist and turn in every direction and the dizzy feeling in my head was only making the situation worse. 

     A goblin came at me vigorously from the left, and I panicked. Fumbling with the katana in my hands the creature came dangerously close. Swinging the blade harshly the being stopped and he fell off the bridge a mere second later. Then the rest of the dwarfs met up with us, we sped up the pace, running for our lives...again. 

       The ground beneath me started to swing back and fourth. First away and then back towards the way we came. More goblins jumped to reach us, and a few did, altho they didn't have much of a life span left. Someone called out from behind me, gaining my attention. Turning to look, I barely had time to take a breath before the platform I stood on dropped out from under me. A yelp escaped my lips as an arm slung around my wrist and yanked me up. I stumbled, Fi's voice thundered behind me as he told me to run faster. It must have been him who caught me.                             

           Everyone was spinning and slashing and I could hardly make out who was who in the darkness surrounding me. I hated it. Rounding a corner we came to such a harsh stop I almost ran into Ori. 

         "You thought you could escape me?" I looked up faster than lightning. The goblin king swung twice at Gandalf, thankfully missing. "What are you going to do now, Wizard?" He questioned. Gandalf took no time in stabbing him a few good times in the eye, and finishing him off with his sword. It was gross, and the urge to vomit was almost overpowering.

     The goblin collapsed to the floor and once again the ground beneath my feet shifted and then was gone completely. I clutched to the nearest chunk of wood and hoped for the best. My hair ripped and tore at my face as we plummeted. 

And then the world seemed to go still. My small body toppled down the little hill of dwarfs and wood and finally met the harsh cool stone ground. I murmured the smallest 'ouch' and pushed myself up slowly. Standing upright has never been so difficult of a task. My knees were weak, my skin bruised and cut, and my head could hardly wrap around the thunder battle. This was all so overwhelming. 

          "Well, that coulda been worse." I smiled at Bofur and laughed a little, but laughter turned into a strained gasp as the large goblin came crashing down onto all of them. Dwalin, no longer in sight hollered, "You've got to be joking!" And the laughter was back. 

             Kili lifted himself a little and smiled at me before looking away and becoming panicked. He called for Gandalf fearfully. Thats when I noticed. Thousands of goblins screaming and running towards us at top speed with no intent of stopping. 

             I rushed to his side, shoving broken pieces of wood and stone off of him before helping him up and tugging him onto solid ground. His hand laced into mine and he gazed at me softly, almost worriedly. 

     "There's too many, we can't fight them."  Dwalin helped Nori up. "Only one thing will save us: daylight." Gandalf hurried everyone towards the exit of the caves under the mountains, and Ki's hand never left mine as we ran. 

                The sun had very much risen and it was so much warmer as we left the cave and ran onto the grass and through the trees. The wizard exasperatedly counts us all to make sure that everybody is accounted for. And everybody was...except for Bilbo. 

         My heart seemed to go a mile a second and my head swarmed with ideas of what could have happened to him. How could I have been so stupid as to not have noticed before? 

        "Oh god, this is all my fault..." I place my hand onto my forehead as I whisper to myself. Kili held my hand tighter and placed his other on my shoulder.  I leaned into him as he looked around for any sight of my guardian.    

  The group began to become upset and blame each other for this mess. Pointing fingers and making assumptions. 

          "If anyone is to blame here it is me, now could you all please stop yelling?" I pulled from Ki and slowly let my eyes wander from dwarf to dwarf. My heart thudded in my chest as Thorin walked towards me. Even though he was a dwarf and I was a hybrid, it felt like he towered over me. 

          "You are correct." He spoke quietly and only to me as he said those three words. Tears prickled in my eyes but my furious blinking kept him from knowing that. No way i'd let this bastard make me cry.

    "I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out is door. We will not be seeing out hobbit again. He is long gone."       

         Fury. That was my only emotion as I marched up to him angrily. "How dare you say such things about my father. He has never done anything to you or ever gone out of his way to harm you or your company once! He is kind and loving and gentle. Yes, he may be a simple being, but that makes the fact that he is out here helping you knowing that death is possible even more loyal. Can you not see all of this? He would never just abandon his family, and thus he is no different than you." 

      The company let out a few surprised sounds and glanced at each other, I guess not many people are brave enough to put a dwarf back in his place. And this one was a king. His cold blue eyes softened at me altho he never got a chance to speak. 

      "No, he isn't." All the dwarfs gasp, and I turn the the voice behind me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and ran towards him, hugging him tightly. He laughed a little and pulled away, giving me a little smile. 

      "Bilbo Baggings. I've never been so glade to see you in my life." Gandalf made his way passed the crowd of dwarfs. "Bilbo. We'd given you up!" Kili said with a soft smile. "How on earth did you get passed the goblins?" Fi asks, tilting his head in wonder. Bilbo just nervously chuckled and I grew confused. 

        "Well, what does it matter? He's back." Gandalf tried to change the subject, but Thorin cut in, "It matters. I want to know. Why did you come back?" 

       "Look, I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. Thats home. But Jamie is also right, that's why I came back. 'Cause...You don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can." 

         I smiled at Bilbo, and then at Thorin and everyone else. They were all teary eyed. "We may be small, but we will always be here to try and help." I say, taking Bilbo's hand in mine. Kili's eyes caught mine and in that moment it felt like maybe, just maybe, everything would end up ok. 


Hi....this isn't part of the story, but I just wanted to say sorry for not updating this story in like...a good few months. It's been snowing non-stop here and I have spent most of my time shoveling, and in the very few school days that haven't been canceled in this last month I have homework piles that could touch the sky. I am going to be getting back on that normal Friday posting schedule and hopefully posts will stay consistent.

       OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! Thanks for 900 reads! It means the world to me. I remember when this book first hit 100 and I was freaking out, I couldn't have ever imagined it would have made it this far!   

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