Part 11: Kili

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She took my arm and yanked lightly at my sleeve. I laughed and followed her through the gardens back to the company. The song, which she never told me the name of, was stuck in my head. It replayed over and over and put a smile on my face.

I started thinking about what it would be like in her shoes. She acted different, and spoke different, and over all had a different atmosphere to her. All the images I had seen, to have been there and seen it all with my own eyes would have been amazing.

I looked ahead at her. The moon shone across her delicate face and caused her hair to shimmer. She was beautiful. I smiled and ran faster alongside her.

We neared the gates and I could hear the sounds of the rest of the company talking and laughing. Continuing to run up the stairs and around the corner they came into my vision. I plopped down into the stone floor and she followed my lead. I stared at the fire and watched it flicker up and fade into the midnight sky. Something was said and Jamie threw her head back in laughter. Her long hair flowed lightly and pooled down onto the floor around her waist.

Then I looked away, blushing a little. Then I felt weight on my shoulder. She had tilted her head against it and her chest heaved as she chuckled more. I pretended to know what was happening and laughed tossing my arm around her shoulders.

Bofur tossed some food to Bombur and he fell to the floor with a loud thud. The chair splintering under him. I laughed and she shifted her head to my chest, leaning on it a little. Her eyes sparkled when she laughed and she played with her hair, braiding it and unbinding it repeatedly.

"I thought you didn't fancy elf maidens..." Dwalin whispered to me, pointing girl resting in my lap. I blushed hard and murmured back, "She's different. I don't know how, she just is." He laughed at me and patted my back before getting up and walking away. Jamie looked up at me with a look that asked, 'are you alright?' I nodded and took a deep breath.

It only took about an hour for the conversation to die down and everyone to fall asleep. We all huddled in a pile and I hummed lightly to myself, but it seemed to help put everyone else to sleep even faster. I lay on my back looking at the stars, my chest heaving lightly. It echoed in my ears and was the only thing I could hear besides the company snoring and Jamie mumbling in her sleep.

I must have fallen asleep to that, because I awoke to Jamie shaking me lightly. "Kili, c'mon you gotta get up!" She pulls me up and I rub the deep out of my eyes. Gandalf was nowhere to be seen, but that doesn't stop Thorin from packing up and telling us we had to move.

She slung her bag around her shoulder and handed me mine, smiling lightly. I took it and we made for the door. She turned around to look at the gates one last time and we were on our way.

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