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T I M E  S K I P
B E T T Y ' S  P O V

I woke up to my alarm beeping down my ear and a really bad hangover. My head was hurting and I felt sick. I sat up in my bed, alcohol bottles surrounding me. Not wanting my mom to find them, I threw the bottles in my school bag, it was always with me so she'd never have the chance to search it. I walked into my bathroom, shoved my hair into a ponytail and picked out the first clothes I could see; an old hoodie I had, some jeans and black trainers. I took an aspirin before putting in some earphones and waking to school.

T I M E  S K I P
T H I R D  P E R S O N
Betty stood, in front of her locker, taking out books when Cheryl, Kevin and Veronica walked up to her.

Cheryl:"Hey B!"

Kevin:"Betty Hey"

Veronica:"Whats up?"

Betty covered her ears.

Betty:"Not so loud"

Kevin:"Are you hungover?"

Betty:"No just tired"

Veronica:"If you was drinking you should've invited me over!"

Betty rolled her eyes and shut her locker slowly and quietly.

Cheryl:"You are soooooo hungover"

Betty rubbed her bruised eyes tiredly before the bell rang.

Cheryl and Kevin walked together to class, Veronica joining Betty as they walked to theirs. They had different classes for first period.

Veronica:"What is going on with you?"

Betty:"Nothing is going on with me"

Veronica:"Your not focusing on anything, I've not even heard you speak about Jughead which is weird and your hungover and drinking on a school night. This is nothing like you"

Betty:"Why would I speak to Jughead when we broke up? And maybe this is me, maybe I've just hid it all these years"

Veronica:"You And Jughead broke up?! Why didn't you tell me!"

Betty:"I didn't really want to talk about it"

Veronica:"I'm coming over tonight. We'll talk then"

Betty turned away, wiping away a few tears before sitting at the back of class.

357 words

𝐆𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐏. 𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙙𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙩Where stories live. Discover now