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The group of friends that were available were all going out for dinner at Pops, so they got the biggest booth there was.
This is everyone going:

Archie and Veronica were sat next to each other, her head on his shoulder. Cheryl and Toni were also next to each other holding hands underneath the table. Kevin and Jughead just sat on the other side.


Veronica-Can you come?
Betty-I'm busyyy Sorry V x
Veronica-Busy with what? X
Betty-I'm just busy, I can't really explain it
Veronica-Does it involve me?
Veronica-Does it involve any of us?
Betty-When I can or if I can, I'll explain it to you but I've got to go now, bye


J + C + T + K + V + A
Veronica-"Soo let's talk about Betty. Do you guys know where she is"

Kevin-"No idea"

Jughead-"She's at the..."

He looked around the table to everyone's faces, before realising that they don't know where she is. It wasn't his story to tell anyways.

Archie-"Where is she?"

Jughead-"ermm... I actually don't know"

Veronica, Kevin and Cheryl raised their eyebrows at him.

Kevin-"Did she say what it was about?"

Veronica-"No, it's not about me though but when I asked her if it was about one of our friends she said she had to go?"

Cheryl-"Very strange"

Archie-"Maybe she's pregnant"

Kevin-"Bughead baby?"

Veronica-"Wait, how could she be pregnant?"

Archie-"hmmm...I don't know, Jughead?"

Jughead rolled his eyes at Archie.

Cheryl-"That would explain why she didn't deny it being about one of us, Jughead"

Veronica-"Have you two even..?"

Jughead-"What.... no"

Archie-"Yeah right, I think that you forget I can see right through her window because it faces mine"
He winks at Jughead and Jughead rolls his eyes again.

Jughead-"That's not where she is though"

Toni-"So you did?"

Jughead-"Did what?"

Kevin-"You did sleep together???"

Jughead-"I don't kiss and tell"

Cheryl-"Wait, two things. One, It's so obvious that you did and two, before you said 'that's not where she is though'"

Jughead-"Yeah and?"

Veronica-"so you do know where she is then?"

Jughead-"Yeah I do."

Archie-"Well tell us then"

Jughead-"I can't"

Kevin-"Is it something bad though?"

Jughead-"I can't really say and I don't want to think about it so can we change the subject?"

Toni-"Omg it must be bad if doom and gloom Jughead doesn't want to speak about it"

Jughead-"I'm serious"

Everyone now turned from laughing at Toni's comment to concerned about Betty.

Archie-"Yeah let's change the subject then"

They continued to talk about different subjects but everyone was still concerned for Betty.


The truth is, Betty was going to a pharmacy and then to a therapist. She was going to the pharmacy to see why she was having seizures and give her mess to help stop them happening. Then, she was going to a therapist because Jughead recommended she go, saying that they could maybe help her to understand why she was having seizures and if it really was stress. If it was because of stress, they could help her with it. And Betty being Betty, listened to Jughead. After all he did give the best advice and instructions on what to do next.

However, she insisted on going alone. She would never have gone with her parents or family anyways but she didn't want Jughead to come. This was mainly because she didn't want to put him through it and she knew he was excited about going to Pop's with everyone.

Jughead only knew about this because he saw her having a seizure in her room when tried to surprise visit her.


When Betty was finally finished with her day, she went home and decided to text Jughead.

J U G + B E T T Y

JUGHEAD-Are you home baby?

BETTY-Yes and I was wondering if you would join me?

JUGHEAD-How could I say no?

JUGHEAD-And want me to bring food from Pop's?

BETTY-Yes can you get me a strawberry milkshake, burger and fries please? X

JUGHEAD-Your wish is my command beautiful x

BETTY-I love you Juggie x

JUGHEAD-I love you too Betts x

To be continued...
Need inspiration 😒
755 words !!!

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