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Betty was so annoyed at Jughead that when she left the party she completely forgot to grab her medicine. The only way she could get it back is if she went back to Nicks apartment. Luckily he would be the only one there. So she got in her car and drove there.

Nick:"Hey what's up?"

Betty:"I've left the medicine here, can I get it?"

Nick:"Yeah sure come in"

Betty walked in and saw her medicine so she quickly grabbed it and tried to walk back out.

Nick:"Wait a second don't you want to have a drink?"

Betty:"No thanks I feel kind of sick"

Nick:"Here have one"

Betty:"I'll just go"

Nick:"Have one!"

He smashed the glass making Betty jump and grabbed her arm before she could walk away.

Betty:"Are you drunk? YOUR hurting me"

He just smirked as he pressed her up against the wall and started removing his clothing. Betty punched him and slapped him as hard as she could but he didn't budge. So she kneed him in his privates. She ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Tears flooded from her eyes as she was grabbed by Nick once again.

Betty:"Please just let me go"

Nick:"Your too gorgeous. I need you right now"

He kissed her neck aggressively as she continued to try and fight him then he unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it from her, the same with her jeans, leaving them both only in their underwear. He smirked as he threw her onto his bed, she continued to cry.
He took of his own underwear and then grabbed Betty's hands.

Nick:"Take your underwear off"


Nick:"I said... TAKE IT OFF"

He punched her in the face and in the stomach until she spoke again.

Betty:"fine I will... please just stop"

He smirked as he watched her take of her bra and panties. Then he quickly put a condom on and forced himself into her. She wimped in pain and cried as he did this. But soon she became too tired to fight back.

T I M E  S K I P
Once Nick finished, he put his clothing back on and threw hers at her.

Nick:"If you tell anyone about this... you'll regret it. You know how rich I am and money means power so I'll send everyone after anyone you love or loved."

Betty:"I won't"

Her voice was so quiet and broken that you could hardly hear it.

Nick:"Jughead won't want you after this either. So you better break up with him or I'll do this to you again and I'll get him killed"

Betty:"But I love him"

Nick:"I don't care, do as I say"

Betty:"Please.... don't make me"

Nick slapped her hard across the face.

Nick:"Do it right now where I can see"

He threw her phone at her forcefully as she text him.

B E T T Y + J U G
Betty: im breaking up with you im sorry it just wont work out

Jughead:If this is about me being overprotective I'm sorry I can work on it Betty please don't do this I love you

Betty: its not jughead im sorry bye

Betty:"I did it, please just let me go"

Nick:"Fine! But if I find out you've told anyone or that your back with Jughead you'll regret it"

Betty nodded, tears still flooding down her face as she quickly dressed and got in her car. Once she closed her car door she couldn't help but burst into a loud, uncontrollable sob.

650 words

𝐆𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐏. 𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙙𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙩Where stories live. Discover now