Chapter 27:Kiana

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Everything was perfect. Well not really, there was still this weekend. Jacob and I were going some school dance on Saturday, and eating dinner with my parents on Sunday. I was excited for the dance, not so much the dinner.

*The Next Night*

"Mom, have you seen my lip gloss?!" I yelled down the stairs.

"It was on the bathroom sink!"

I huffed, and stomped to the bathroom. It was there.


"Baby, Jake's here!" F*ck!

I grabbed my heels, sat on my bed, and snapped them on. I picked up my purse, and ran down the stairs.

Jake was sitting on the couch, next to my parents. He looked slightly uncomfortable. He jumped up when he saw me.

He grabbed my hand, kissing it, winking, just like the first time. And history never fails, so I blushed.

"Are you ready?" I nodded.

"Wait, we need pictures!" My mom rushed out of the kitchen, clutching a camera. Instead of arguing we posed for some shots, and practically ran out of the house.

"Have fun sweetie! Not too much fun! I don't want any grandkids yet..." 

"Mom!" She laughed. I shook my head, and got in the car.

We drove for about a mile before Jacob pulled over.

"Wha-" Jacob kissed me. I kissed him back eagerly, getting into into. Too soon, he pulled away. 

He wiped my lip with his thumb. "I've been waiting for that all day."

"I'll never keep you waiting again," I breathed. He chuckled, and got back on the road.  We got to the dance, and it was boring. There was a handful of couples there, and they were sitting.

"What a drag," I muttered.

"You wanna leave? I mean, there's a party at my friend's house so-"

"That sounds great." I tugged on his arm and pulled his outside. I started walking to my side, but Jake pulled me back to him. He pushed me up against the car, and kissed the h*ll out of me. His kiss was so forcefull, I had to bend to accept. He held the back of my neck, and forced his tongue in my mouth.

I don't know what had gotten into him, but I liked it. He ran his hand down my shoulder, gripping my waist. Our mouths fused together, and it was clear who was dominant. i couldn't draw a breath before he was back for more. His lips were soft, but firm, applying steady pressure. He tasted like heaven, and didn't relent.

He left my lips, and kissed down my neck, coming around to bite my ear.

"If you want, we can go to my place, and have a party  of our own," he whispered roughly in my ear, making me shiver. Oh, f*ck, that sounded great. Spasms in my stomach started, heat blooming between my legs. I blushed.

"I think we should go to that party."

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